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10B Drop party 2013 Announcement


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Hey! Hope you don't mind if i advertise a bit

about this giveaway, because my friend Joopii is

paying me a bit for spreading word about this :p


Anyways, "Joopii", also known as TwistyFC, is hosting

a 10b drop party on livestream this Christmas!

Here is a link for the video, where you can see the exact

information about this giveaway.


Good luck for the drop party if you join :)


free gp's + Postcount


2k ppl wil attend to thislol 


2k ppl wil attend to thislol 

 & You'll be standing around lagging to hell attempting to win something and then the outcome will be A WASTE OF TIME.

 But eh , I wish I had this sort of money to drop =P  ( Well I'd be selfish and not drop it simple as that.



i will only attend if paid 5m in advance


thanks but no thanks from me :P


too many people will be there


In b4 another watson hood drop party


free money..... i like


I'll attend but to lol at the lag.

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