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Will OSRS Eventually Overtake RS3 In Players?


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It seems to me that rs07 is getting more attention and better updates than that of rs3.

If this is still the case down the road. Will it overtake rs3??

I think its possible.


I think it's possible as well if they continue with the update's i can show it growing better and they'll realize there mistake but in there way they're making more money because they're giving what two different groups of people enjoy about runescape.


Doubt it. RS3 has more content.


i dunno alot of people who havent played rs before have started to play old school runescape so maybe its a chance idk


Doubt it.


Jagex wouldn't want to see 07 overtake RS3. I hope it does happen though.


Jagex wouldn't want to see 07 overtake RS3. I hope it does happen though.

totes thiz

Jagex wouldn't want to see 07 overtake RS3. I hope it does happen though.



Jagex wouldn't want to see 07 overtake RS3. I hope it does happen though.

totes thiz



to me it seems like it's the other way around


07 losing more and more players while rs3 gets more


when osrs came out, it looked like it with 50k osrs players vs 20k eoc now it's the other way around


07 wont get new players rs3 will get a few so in the long run they will always have more people


honestly i just see them both getting closer and closer to death i mean jagex doesn't do shit to adv their games i mean look at WoW they have good tv adv and quite a bit of web adv they also make big deals out of game changing content being added but on the other hand you have jegex that made one tv ad that was total shit and maybe like 1-2 ads on websites if that also they don't seem to even be enthusiastic about their own content instead of making the game harder and more fun when progressing they just seem to make the game easier and less fulfilling to play in an lazy attempt to keep people playing 


I think it's possible but I don't think it could happen since alot of RSers sticked to Rs3 because they didn't want to give up their accounts.

But 07 is not getting more attention , there is an additional team for 07 and a almost whole Jagex HQ works for Rs3 , so I personally don't think they are giving more attention to 07.

But all the new Rsers go play 07 , wich is kinda weird since they never played , and have more fun then on the Rs3. But if it would take over I'd say in 10 years we would have to make another poll to bring back old school servers back.


To be honest, if they keep up with the updates and do what the players want there is no logical reason why rs3 players wouldn't prefer 07. Unless they equal it out with rs3 in terms of attention.


to me it seems like it's the other way around


07 losing more and more players while rs3 gets more


Jagex wouldn't want to see 07 overtake RS3. I hope it does happen though.

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