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Runescape Current PlayerBase (EOC/OS)


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It's going down slowly but updates are just delaying how fast it go's down


nearlly d3d dropped to 5k only whent up cos of pvp will drop again 


It's going down slowly but updates are just delaying how fast it go's down

noooo :(((

rs will never dieeeee.


Outdated game, and sadly jagex has never produced a good game aside runescape so I expect them as a company to die off in the coming years with it.


Outdated game, and sadly jagex has never produced a good game aside runescape so I expect them as a company to die off in the coming years with it.


the sad thing is, no matter how outdated it is they had a chance to do something with it. instead they made eoc and alienated 90% of their community (the exact second the update for eoc hit, there were 246k people online), here stands the only people dumb enough to still be here.



Outdated game, and sadly jagex has never produced a good game aside runescape so I expect them as a company to die off in the coming years with it.


the sad thing is, no matter how outdated it is they had a chance to do something with it. instead they made eoc and alienated 90% of their community (the exact second the update for eoc hit, there were 246k people online), here stands the only people dumb enough to still be here.


You're right. A game shouldn't completely be overhauled so late in its life, blizzard learnt that overhauling classes in WoW was really unpopular because people didn't want to learn something new, if they wanted something new they wouldn't be playing the class/game in the first place.


EOC may have been a good thing for a completely new game, but not for runescape. And most people who quit because of EOC won't come back, they most likely have moved on and have forgotten about runescape long ago, so I don't think pre-eoc servers will help all that much either.


I have heard many things about the higher end of jagex's staff(lead devs etc) have their heads stuck up their asses and generally don't listen to anyone but themselves, if they had listened to community feedback this would not be an issue, but I guess ego/pride > good game, right?


Outdated game, and sadly jagex has never produced a good game aside runescape so I expect them as a company to die off in the coming years with it.

the sad thing is, no matter how outdated it is they had a chance to do something with it. instead they made eoc and alienated 90% of their community (the exact second the update for eoc hit, there were 246k people online), here stands the only people dumb enough to still be here.

You're right. A game shouldn't completely be overhauled so late in its life, blizzard learnt that overhauling classes in WoW was really unpopular because people didn't want to learn something new, if they wanted something new they wouldn't be playing the class/game in the first place.

EOC may have been a good thing for a completely new game, but not for runescape. And most people who quit because of EOC won't come back, they most likely have moved on and have forgotten about runescape long ago, so I don't think pre-eoc servers will help all that much either.

I have heard many things about the higher end of jagex's staff(lead devs etc) have their heads stuck up their asses and generally don't listen to anyone but themselves, if they had listened to community feedback this would not be an issue, but I guess ego/pride > good game, right?

its really sad how true all that is..

league of legends is where its at




league of legends is where its at

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