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League of Legends Dictionary + Quotes


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Figured I'd make this out of boredom and for all of those who are new to LoL (even existing players who don't know some terms)...


P.S: Tell me if I forgot to add something

Note: I won't include item abbreviations



Top: Consists of 1 champion on top lane (Usually a bruiser)

Mid: Consists of 1 champion on middle lane (Usually an Ap champion)

Bot: Consists of 2 champion on bottom lane (Adc; must focus on farming early game and Support; must protect the adc)

Jungler: Consists of 1 champion to roam the jungle and kill neutral monsters and ganking other lanes



AA = Auto-attack

Ace = When all champions on a team are dead at the same time

AD = Attack Damage  

ADC = Attack Damage Carry (champions that deal high amounts of attack damage)

AFK = Away From Keyboard (you should know this from when you were born)

Aggro = Target priority of an A.I (controlled minion,turret, monster, etc)

AoE = Area of Effect (champions that have abilities that deal damage within an area - hits multiple enemies)

AP = Ability Power

ArPen = Armour penetration 

AS = Attack Speed

Assassin = Champions who rapidly ambush stealthily

Assist = To help an allied champion killing an enemy champion 



B = Back (To retreat in the general direction of your base or away from the enemy/recalling by pressing "B")

Babysit = For one champion to continually assist another champion in a specific lane 

Bait = To lure an enemy champion into a trap or ambush

Baron = Refers to the Baron Nashor monster that spawns at 15:00 and provides Baron Buff to the team upon killing it which empowers you for 4 minutes (baron respawns in 7 minutes upon it's death)

Base = The area where the shop, nexus and inhibitors are situated

BD = Backdoor (to sneak through enemy jungle and attack from behind)

BG = Bad Game

Blind Pick = A type of match where all participants select their champions simultaneously without knowing enemy's champion picks until the loading screen appears

Blue = Refers to the Blue Buff which is received upon killing the Ancient Golem

Bot = Refers to Bottom Lane OR A.I controlled champion

Brb = Be right back...

Bruiser = A champion with high effective health and damage per second and some tankiness

Bush = A tall grass in which champions can hide in 

Buff = A positive effect applied to champion making it more powerful (opposed to a nerf)

Bug = a defect in the mechanics of the game that is not intended 

Burst = A large amount of damage dealt in a short period of time (also referred to as "Nuke")



Care = Be careful, implying a possible gank coming

Carry = A champion that generally starts off weaker than other champions but becomes more powerful as the game progresses

CC = Crowd Control (status effects which limit movement or actions such as taunt, fear, etc.) 

CD = Cooldown (waiting for an ability's cooldown to finish before using that ability again

Champ = Champion

Cover = To cover your lane by asking an allied champion to hold your lane for a moment so you can shop/roam + Also refers to covering the jungler during the time period of 1:00-1:50~

Creeps = Monsters and minions

CS = Creeps slain/creep score



Def = To defend a lane or base by protecting the tower or inhibitor/nexus

DC = Disconnected

Debuff = A negative effect applied to a champion

Double Kill = Slaying two enemy champions within a certain length of time

DPS = Damage per second (i.e attack speed)

Draft = Draft pick; a type of champion selection where you can see what both teams can pick (and ban)

Drake = Dragon (has a respawn rate of 6 minutes upon it's death)



Elo = A mathematical rating system for a player's relative skill level (previous season)

Executed = Being killed by a tower or creep with no enemy champion interference 



Face Check = A champion going into a bush to see if an enemy champion is hiding there (risky action)

Farm = To kill minions to obtain xp and gold

FB = First blood(first kill of the game)

Fear = A debuff which makes target champion walking around randomly and uncontrollably 

Fed = A champion becoming very powerful after having many kills or by having large creep score

Feed(er) = To die to the enemy team alot




Gank = To ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more champions 

GG = Good game

GJ = Good job

GL = Good luck

Glyph = A type of rune which primarily boosts various stats

Golem = Ancient golem that grants the crest of ancient golem (Blue buff)



Harass = To put pressure on an enemy champion with reducing risk to be retaliated upon

HF = Have Fun

HP = Health points





Juke = The act of tricking the enemy chasing you into chasing the wrong way by misleading them

Jungle = The spaces populated by neutral monsters between lanes







N1 = Nice one

Nerf = Making something less powerful

Nexus = Primary structure of the match where minions are spawned from (victory is achieved once nexus is destroyed)

Nuke = A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time



Off Tank = A champion that has some attributed of a tank (soak damage, cc) 

OMW = On my way

OOM = Out of mana

OP = Overpowered

Overextending = A champion moving too far into the enemy territory which leads to them being more susceptible to ganks



Pentakill = Slaying five enemy champions within a certain length of time

Ping = to notify/signal allied champions on the map by using alt/G+left-click 

Poke = A form of harass which uses long ranged attacks to cause damage in order to weaken an enemy while keeping a safe position

Pot = Potion

Premade = Multiple players who form a team together (invite) to play with/against other people

Push = To continue advancing forward in a lane, clearing it of minions and/or towers.



QQ = Depicts a set of crying eyes, implying that the other player is complaining

Quadrakill = Slaying four enemy champions within a certain length of time

Queue = The champion selection phase before commencing the match

Queue Dodge = To leave the champion selection phase to avoid playing the match

Quints = Quintessences, the most expensive type of runes



Ragequit = An incident where a player quits due to in-game frustrations

Rambo = Diving into a fight alone vs several enemy champions

Re = Short for "re-appear", usually said when an enemy missing from the lane returns

Red = Refers to the red buff of the Lizard Elder

River = The water crossing between lanes 

RP = Riot Points



Skill Shot = An ability that requires aiming a projectile that could miss its target

Skin = A different appearange for a champion that can only be obtained by spending RP (Riot Points)

Snowball = Situation that occurs when a champion or team starts building up an advantage that becomes nearly impossible to stop

Snowball Item = An item that grows in power as you gain kills/assists (Mejai's Soulstealer)

Solo = A single champion on a lane 

SS = Called when enemy champion(s) is/are missing from the lane

Sustain = A champion's capacity for staying in a lane without having to go back to the base


Tank = A champion designed to take high amounts of damage

Tanking = To be capable of taking high amounts of damage 

Taunt = A disable which forces the target to attack the taunter

Team Fight = When multiple champions from each opposing side gather in one area to do battle

Tenacity = A champion stat which determines the reduction of effect duration of most crowd control debuffs

TF= Teamfight

Tower Diving = To pursue and enemy champion while in range of the enemy's tower

Tower Hugging = To stay near the tower to deter enemy champions from attacking them

TP = Teleport

Triple Kill = Slaying three enemy champions within a certain length of time

Troll = A person who causes acts of disruption to other players (report them as griefing)



Ult = Ultimate Ability (to tell a player to use their champion's ultimate ability)

UP = Underpowered



Ward = Items that reveal a specific area on the map

WP = Well Played

WotD = Win of the Day (IP Bonus)



Zoning = Tactics that are using to prevent enemy champions from gaining gold/experience



===Famous Quotes===

1) Raise Your Dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ = A catchphrase by LoL player Michael Santana (Imaqtipie) associated with the champion; Heimerdinger. Also related to the terms "donger" and "dongsquad"

Edited by Wally1337
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