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Girl gets punched and falls through glass for kicking nuts

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What a fuckhead.

That's what I was thinking. IDC if you get kicked in the nuts. You never hit a woman unless you have to.

If I was there, that cunt would have been on the ground bleeding out.

so a woman can kick a man in his balls, then hit him in the face and then expect to walk away like nothing happened?

guy in green did the right thing

there were other ways he could have handled the situation.

And honestly, if you'd hit a woman over that... I feel really bad for you.

She'd have to have to come at me with a weapon for me to hurt her.

Idk maybe I'm just a better person than you.

So she couldn't have handled it in a better way?
I'm sure she could have. Doesn't mean you have to break her nose and send her through a window.

Guys who fight women have low confidence in them selves. Targeting the weaker (women/children) because they know they can win the fight.

Its just like my dad. 6ft 6 & 300pnds. Beat my brother and mother for years. Got into a fight with another man and got laid out like a bitch. Cried and ran off.

For anyone of you who said they'd hit a girl, probably wouldn't even ponder at the thought of facing someone who actually has a chance.

And you guys take the equality role too far. It obviously doesn't correspond with fighting. There's a huge difference between moral ethics, and physicality.


"Guys who fight women have low confidence in themselves  Targeting the weaker (women/children) because they know they can win the fight." yea he totally targeted her i mean she done nothing at all to make him attack her in a violent way like that! 


​i mean its not like she hit him first or even repeatedly attacked him she wasn't screaming at him or acting out whatsoever!


you're completely missing the point here i 100% agree only cunts attack woman but if they attack you who the fuck should tell me i can't fight back? why should i put my health & safety before what society thinks i should do? granted i wouldn't hit them so hard they broke a window but i would restrain them so they couldn't hit me or push them away but in all honestly if it came down to it and i had to i wouldn't think twice about knocking them out tbh


i understand what you're saying about a man hitting a woman is a dick move when hes 2x bigger but what if she was 2x bigger than the guy what would your view on it be then if she was screaming at a man smaller than her and then attacked him and he hit her back would it be the same? or would he be ok to defend himself in that situation?

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I already mentioned in a previous post about those big bad bitches.

There are some women who were just born to be a dude. (Bulldykes) they're usually huge in stature, and act like men.

If they are at the same physical level as a man and in some cases THEY WANT TO BE men. Then I don't see a problem with a 50% falcon punch. But ill say it again. I don't hit ANYONE unless I absolutely have to. Man or woman. Sometimes you need to know when to fight back, And when to walk away.

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Obviously some bitch whipped TJ and took his balls, therefore the thought being kicked in the balls without retaliation is alienated to him.

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