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Runescape disconnecting


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Just here to inform you guys that runescape is being laggy as fuck and disconnecting quite often.

Sometimes its stable for like 30 mins, and then you start dc'ing every 5 min...


Take care - Do not do very risky stuff.


- Hotkeys


awww hotkeys thanks for the warning :wub2:  :wub2:  :wub2:


ye servers been chit all morning. doing nmz it's safe to dc tho :P

These hosters are making bank of us.. Dc'ing this often and still paying some gp


jagex needs to fix the shit severs


jagex needs to fix the shit severs


jagex needs to fix the shit severs


Jagex paying a penny for a slot or what


take ur whole banks pking boys


take ur whole banks pking boys

Ty for tips pls bgetting cash stack and teleing to v sq


chilllllllllllllllll out mate

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