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RS worth coming back???


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Just a general question, is rs worth my time playing again? I took some time off because of eoc and summer but it's becoming winter again so I'll be inside more which means I need a hobby. Some of the questions I have are as follows:


Is the game as fun as it was before eoc?

Do people still brid a lot?

Do preps and mini's still exist?

Since there is no g.e. does it make shit harder?

What to expect while coming back?


Thanks for your time, I'll enjoy reading your feedback.

Posted (edited)

It has its ups and downs tbh, would be nice to see you back though!


MM just recently closed.



-Minis exist, we normally vs eop or RD when we have them

-bridding is alright, got a solid number of them

-Zybes is used to buy stuff now, not to hard instead of GE


Personally Is till think pre EOC was better though, But I still enjoy pking

Edited by 1 Item

idk i just bought a 90 day membership though hopefully its worth it!  


to be honest with you it feels like we're a few months if not weeks away from beating the game


so if you can make an account and be active in that amount of time


sure man by all means come back


not worth young martian.


nice to see ur still alive buddy have some gud memories


not worth young martian.


nice to see ur still alive buddy have some gud memories

nothing like what it was pre eoc all new people and pretty much all of the old people have left for good 


the game itself isn't bad tbh but the clanning side isn't as big or active as it was still wars/trips/minis tho 


I still find it enjoyable, some others don't. I like pvm and stuff, can't comment on the wild. 


It's nice to have something to do though during time off of school or after work. 


Its probably not worth to start as lvl 3, because you can feel that the game is slowly dieing. If you can play on an account that is ready you can just make the best of it.


Only thing I enjoyed back around 07/08 was the mindless escape of training, and the competitive nature of clan trips. The clan aspect has been dwindling for years, and the training part is a joke. For these reasons, I don't feel like the game has a lot left for me, however, you asked about bridding, preps, etc. Being a newer age PKer, you will probably enjoy it a lot more than I do, and there's still clan v clan events... I suggest you try it out. 

Posted (edited)

Nah. I tried to get back into it, really couldn't go for longer than a month. Pking is dull, PvP worlds were just released so that's just competition with Wildy pkers. Games fked


rip low level varrock multi wildy fk pvp :'(

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd

I'd refer to Chris archies video views. He's still getting the same. Must mean something!


hell no. btw every time u make an intro or this kind of topic u go missing for a year until you make the same topic.


btw:high martian


Nope. One of the biggest pure clans closing due to the wild being ded says enough honestly.


Honest opinion. If you haven't been on 07 so far, don't bother joining anymore at this point when the game is dying.


up to you all you can do in this game is pk tbh if your a pure 

i just wish they would hurry with clan wars -.-

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