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What is your dream?


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It's 4am, I'm bored and watching stuff on youtube including those motivational videos. They all talk about follow your dream, you can make it, etc



Made me question what exactly is it I want in life? What is my dream?


I feel like if I was holding the compass from the film Pirates of the Caribbean that it would spin like it does for jack.



Anybody out there know what their dream is? If so what are you doing to follow it?

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many dreams


im one of those fucks who changes their shit around too often


so im curious where would the compass lead you..


edit: I've changed my mind I want to OWN reddit

Edited by Allan
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I want to live comfortably in a small coastal town doing something that I love. The problem is, I don't know where or what I want to do. Hopefully it comes to me one day :s

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To be honest I sat here trying to think up of something witty or emotional to post but in reality my dream has changed and will continue to change.




First I wanted  to be a CID, now I want to be a pilot in the RAF, and I know in a few years it will change again. Overall I think my dream would just to be successful in life and people see me as someone who has done well for himself.


By successful however, I mean at least £30,000 a year job, kids and a decent house by the time I'm 30. I'm sure this is different to most people.


Oh and play in the WSOP ME at least once in my life and not care about position, just experience what it must be like.

Edited by DeltaPapa
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travel the world do/see all the things i want before i die end of the day i couldn't really give a fuck about money because at the end of the day all you have is memories unless you get alzheimers then you're fucked..

Edited by i tauntz i
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Travel the world

continue with my culinary classes and become an executive chef and tell lil niggas what to do and make like $60,000 a year doing so.

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Make a ton of money and buy a really nice replica Lambo. Fuck real ones, the repair is far to high. Rather have one that costs me 100 bucks to insure.


30k :D

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