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Massive hits


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nice vid m8^^,

Gl on the next one ! :)


Great vid, to bad ur nh.


nice hit's,

nice vid, keep it up & gratz on ancient stat 0.o


Great vid, to bad ur nh.

To Bad im Not Nh im Retired for now

thats not me if you were smart.


Actually very good.. the clips speed more than make up for it being 4 mins long.


overedited, surprized it isn't causing seizures


speeds to fast, to many flashes

nice hits but wouldve been nice to see more than specs :x


nice editing just dont rush so much, make it more 1on1 kind of stuff with big combos :P


He went waaay overboard with transitioning the editing with the music, but overall, good video.


rush less pk more

^^ this but was pretty good vid but went to fast no loots or good pull outs shown or anything else except g maul hits basically but good vid all around

danm dude crazy hits

His overall pking skill isn't good. Those hits are mostly mass hits. (When someone is 29 hp and a DDS spec kills them with 29-28 or something).  Not to dog on all his hits... he is 99 str after all... but I hate his editing and his vids are like 80% rushing.

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