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calling all eurofags


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So my family is taking a trip to Ireland next summer ticket to and from is paid for but only the family part of the trip around Ireland. My uncle was thinking about extending the trip a bit and taking a ferry to London and staying for a couple days and then taking the tube to Paris for a few days and asked if I was interested in joining him and of course I am. I've been to France, Italy and Greece previously I just never had to pay for it myself. Would appreciate guesstimates on how much I'd need for the travel to these places for a few days each along with hotel/touristy type things or recommendations on things to see.


PS: Have always been curious about Amsterdam/Berlin so any input on travel fair/hotel/touristy things for those two places would also be appreciated.


I've posted this topic on MM forums and replies included for London are Leicester square, Westfield, covent garden as well as recommendations for ryanair, interrail and hostelworld.com so anything besides those would be great. But mainly for the other cities listed.


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i wouldn't recommend staying in london it'll cost you a fortune.


london to paris will probably cost you around £50 

Edited by vult
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