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Get 99hp now o rlater?


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Just want your opinions really..

130k off 99hp, but like 1m off 99 strength..

Should I SW/PC until my strength and hp are literally a few exp off the level and then get them together? (Maxing my pure, with 80 attack/20 defence) or just get the 99hp and then the 99 strength a few days/week later?


Edit: Title fail.

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Seriously dude, why are you to greedy for 99 hp when you are 98 str and 98 hp.

Just take em both up at the same time, no need to rush anyway cuz you ain't pking until 99 str AND 99 hp ( I reckon atleast ).

I remember you from the old old forums ( the one before the previous :p ), but I can't recall your rsn...

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get them together :) more fun and wont take long

Get right close to 99 hp, and str, then dds someone for both 99's.

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Get both at same time, dont sw your str until your hp is a few k off 99 and then sw rest of str and get at same time :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

get untimmed hp cape and screen it ^^ wont matter much since youll get str not much after but still.

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