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ruined my day


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i was about to get something to eat, i cross the street and like 10 seconds later I hear a car and some loud noise

i look back and i see a cat lying on the ground.

saw a bit of blood next to him and it was moving a little bit. the car just slowed down and then kept on driving

me and my friend were staring being like WTF then another car drives by and finishes the cat off (again drives on and ignores anything)

worst part is i was thinking of picking it up and moving it to the side of road but my friend was about to throw up so we just left feeling bad entire day.

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I identified the broken body of my 3 month old kitten while my mum weeped next to me. Then had to explain to her that this cat whos head is now 3 inches wide belongs to you.

God damn it. Slow the fuck down.

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One time I was at a bus stop and across the street I seen a cat napping in the shade of the summer heat under a truck, then the truck started up and ran over its head. The cat was still alive and was flipping and shit and backflipping and spazzing out with a crushed skull I felt so bad then the person ran it over again and reversed to finnaly end its misery in such a fucking horrible way

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My cat got run over by a tractor when I was younger, whilst I was on holiday with my family abroad, bet if I wasn't cat wouldn't have been run over (n)

I also saw a pidgeon get run over by a car traveling quite fast, just a mini explosion of feathers, and the somehow the pidgeon lived and flew off.

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i saw a pidgeon in a parking lot, i think it had been run over  :(. it couldnt quite fly, it just sort of wobbled around. made me sad  :(

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I identified the broken body of my 3 month old kitten while my mum weeped next to me. Then had to explain to her that this cat whos head is now 3 inches wide belongs to you.

God damn it. Slow the fuck down.

some how that is humorous.

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Ive seen people do it on purpose. Some peoples idea of fun is riding around shooting at cats with a 22. I lost a cat that I had for 7 years to people doing that.

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