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Albert from Fatality is a retard

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comida was like a fish taking the bait


No all of fi are retards. 


Well I know that lol


Pussies haha

When you challenged them, they backed down hard.


Albert's post wasn't post worthy, and neither is this one. Everyone just looks bad when they make topics flamming other clans on public boards. It's best just to let stuff like this go and move on... there's just no point to it. 

Posted (edited)

Albert's post wasn't post worthy, and neither is this one. Everyone just looks bad when they make topics flamming other clans on public boards. It's best just to let stuff like this go and move on... there's just no point to it.

with mm gone. Foe needs a new rival. Edited by TJ

Albert's post wasn't post worthy, and neither is this one. Everyone just looks bad when they make topics flamming other clans on public boards. It's best just to let stuff like this go and move on... there's just no point to it. 


Captain Obvious

Posted (edited)

I dont see the point making topics like this one. Be proud you are here let others do their shit.


Lets mind only our business






Mighty Irwin said it already


Edited by Ep

Pussies haha

When you challenged them, they backed down hard.


things dont change lol


mongs everywhere

Posted (edited)



i don't get the point of him posting this… he knows Fi won't bring anyone under 100cb to a mini.



Edited by Comida

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