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We're behind.. Technology is going faster than our own life


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As am studying Marketing, I like following new trends and upcoming stuff..Especially Social Media/E-Marketing etc.. Found this video on a blog, pretty sick imo..




Edited by Marc
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I want virtual mmorog's like SAO where you put a headset on and your brain is in the game and you feel everything etc /actually there


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I want virtual mmorog's like SAO where you put a headset on and your brain is in the game and you feel everything etc /actually there



now thats gonna take a lil<.<

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the first video is just concepts/prototypes and most of them will never happen some of the ideas will go further but the end product will be hugely different also what is wrong with using a controller to control things? i mean a band on your arm just seems less usable


and the video on the vending machine is just a waste of time wtf is wrong with the ones we have now??? all its going to do is cause people to hack into them for free stuff and plague you with advertisements when  you want to get something from one

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Someone's gonna make billions

And second video... waiting for someone to fucking chose shit would piss me off Lol. Why not make it completely usable from your phone/tablet. That way you can walk away and let the next pperson order.

Edited by TJ
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