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it seems its coming to that stage where 20 def has once again become much stronger than 1 def... Perhaps its time to go ini pure? or is that mainly for clanning

Pixel Pigeon

20 def isn't stronger. There's just more of them.



A plague you won't see me take part in.


Mlak ems we all know you just want to be a 25 def stud again. That being said 1 defense always has and always will be, conceptually, the strongest pure. More clan based activities emphasizes the defense, but that's just not what it's about. 


Def only good for clanning

Posted (edited)

Best things about having 20-25 def



+ Training slayer with p pots wearing  full initiate and black mask(i)

+ +5 str bonus from mith defender/addy gloves

+ Maxed initiate pure helps clan slightly more than maxed 1def pure, because better magic bonus from mystics and better tanking abilities, but its only if u know what youre doing

+ You can do level 2 clues properly, except the jump for joy yanille thing, where u need snakeskin chaps and addy med helm

+ Looks awesome when youre maxed inipure with 100 combat


Bad (when youre over 95 combat)

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 str zerkers 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 range voiders 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by dharoker's 1v1

- Getting usually owned by maxed main clans on trips (not all mains)

Edited by nuuska

Best things about having 20-25 def



+ Training slayer with p pots wearing  full initiate and black mask(i)

+ +5 str bonus from mith defender/addy gloves

+ Maxed initiate pure helps clan slightly more than maxed 1def pure, because better magic bonus from mystics and better tanking abilities, but its only if u know what youre doing

+ You can do level 2 clues properly, except the jump for joy yanille thing, where u need snakeskin chaps and addy med helm

+ Looks awesome when youre maxed inipure with 100 combat


Bad (when youre over 95 combat)

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 str zerkers 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 range voiders 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by dharoker's 1v1

- Getting usually owned by maxed main clans on trips (not all mains)



Best things about having 20-25 def



+ Training slayer with p pots wearing  full initiate and black mask(i)

+ +5 str bonus from mith defender/addy gloves

+ Maxed initiate pure helps clan slightly more than maxed 1def pure, because better magic bonus from mystics and better tanking abilities, but its only if u know what youre doing

+ You can do level 2 clues properly, except the jump for joy yanille thing, where u need snakeskin chaps and addy med helm

+ Looks awesome when youre maxed inipure with 100 combat


Bad (when youre over 95 combat)

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 str zerkers 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by 99 range voiders 1v1

- Getting usually owned hard by dharoker's 1v1

- Getting usually owned by maxed main clans on trips (not all mains)


thanks for quoting it Ayten, I wasn't able to properly digest the information without your seal of approval in the form of a qoutation


actually 20 def will supreme over 1 def no matter what. it's like a combat level and when you're fighting deep in the wildy it's nothing. You get more bonuses from the 20 def gear than shit ass ghostly robes lol


1 master race no matter what, it's what pures were in 2004 and its what they should of stayed, dunno how people came up with these 20, 25, 30, 35, etc pures. 


aite i get the picture, ill remain 1def


Apparently its adapt or die in clanning. Just like pre-eoc.



Kids always got to have the upper hand. What happens when all the pures are matched at maxed stats and there is no upper hand? def.


More bonuses, more cmb, and more items, just for that upper hand.


1 def > all.. Just get whatever level you like and feel like getting

  • 5 weeks later...

Stay 1 def, with 20 def there's no turning back if you start regretting it.

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