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Can you edit? (Do not have to be pro)


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Anyone fancy editing a vid for me. Does not have to be great, just the basic kind of editing. I've tried doing it with Vegas 12 and it's a nightmare, I SUCK!


Wouldn't mind paying a bit of gp if it was good but would appreciate it if you did it out of the kindness of your heart :)


Drop me a pm or message here if you fancy it. Thanks!


sup why's forum so inactive? ;o



It's down 90% of the time


And omggg the #1 editor in rs replied to my topic, fuuuaaark!


Possibly if i have time that is 



It's down 90% of the time


And omggg the #1 editor in rs replied to my topic, fuuuaaark!

Depends, i can do alot of editing or keep it simple. In the foe weekly vids i keep it simple but i deffo can edit more if your interested. The vid i made recently is at the top of the forums

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