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what is the best thing to alch ?


most of the shit you alch loses 160/170 anyway, so maple long U's aren't a bad choice


Depending on how much money you have some are better than others

You loose the least on magic longbows but they are expensive so it minimizes the amount you can have at one time.

Yew longbows-lose more than magic longbows but cost half as much

Maple longbows-only like 110 ea but you lose the most money


i would just do yls


Theres no "best" item to alch, it all depends on what the prices are at the time. I alched to 94 with maple longbows, I lost very little.. however I made my own bows. 


It highly depends if you are patient and or have time to make alchs, even if it's just part of it,if you have a kingdom i suggest using your maples from said kingdom, and fletching them into longbows,otherwise maybe buy yew logs and bow string and fletch them. sapphire and emerald bracelets are a great thing to alch, weather you make them or buy them, they're just hard to find a bulk seller, green dhide bodies are also great to alch if you have a cash pile to buy bulk.Magic Longbows once more would be an efficient way to save money, once again making them half way or just buying supplies.

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