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Runescape Legacy Combat I is it worth it?

Legacy swat

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said it before i'll say it again jagex for fucking retards if they think bring back 07/eoc or anything will somehow increase their player based they dont advertise for shit i mean when was the last time you saw a rs ad not compare that to an rs gold trading ad? when people that are abusing you game to make a profit have better advertising then you shouldn't that tell you there's something seriously wrong? 


jagex have went from a great company to a company that fucks up to a company that hasn't get a fucking clue at all i mean what was the last company that has went back on something as many times as jagex have and did not disappear they are wasting time/money on something to appease the minority when that money could be spent on bringing new players to their game i mean what fucking idiot says "ok guys we have had 07 out for 8 months so instead of spending money on advertising to try and bring new players in lets just scrap 07 and make pre eoc combat and spend all this money on more servers and development!!" i just don't understand their logic their player based is slowly dying out and instead of bringing new people in they are just trying to appease a small number of players in fact they aren't even trying to do that they are trying to appease players that have quit almost a year ago 


why wouldn't you vote.... we all know 07 is dying, why not try something new i personally like the idea if they can get everything fixed on it.  


why wouldn't you vote.... we all know 07 is dying, why not try something new i personally like the idea if they can get everything fixed on it.  

what would this fix? nothing it will just make others quit


someone ban this guy for editing my posts


this video is retarded so is legacy swat


Who ever made this has absolutely horrible grammar.

Posted (edited)

you idiots sit here flaming eachother when he did something insightful this is why we can't have nice things.

Edited by Novations
Posted (edited)

Jagex backtracking as usual.

Edited by Sess|Zetsutai

Don't understand Jagex logic. Taking back EoC will make people that love EoC quit and people that love pre-EoC play. Company isn't going anywhere.. They should've polled the system (EoC) before they even started developing it.


RIP 07, vote no for legacy to keep it alive


It's almost like my time means nothing to them.


no, not in a million years #yolo


dont even know what it is sounds sad, still remember the times when f2p rangers only had steel arrows nigga 

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