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Summoning on a pure

Its zeh noob

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Its zeh noob

I was wondering if summoning on a pure helps that much that it is worth getting.

Atm i got the charms to get 68+ and it will cost around 3m, but I dont know if it is worth it...

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The only monsters that are quite helpfull (beast of burden) give controlled xp or defence exp (turtle, bull ant, packjack) and beside skilling only the higher lvl monsters help.

So if anyone has summoning on a pure ( not many in foe have only the higher cmbs ) please give this topic a bump and i might get it too.

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I know it doesn't give cb's or anything. But summoning is just im-pure to me.

But if it will help you. Go for it.

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r e b q r n

Wdf, nice amount of blues, where did you get them?

I like it, Real men have +Numbers in their combat.

Yea lol, the average ratio is way off o.O

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I Blitz Youu

I don't really see a point in it, unless your going to be skilling then summoning can be extremely useful

But otherwise its just a waste of money, time, and effort :)

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costs loads.

Nowhere near as much as everyone seems to think though, this is a common misconception imo. It doesnt start to break the bank til 80+

Also, if youre training summoning, make sure you do "Penguin Hide & Seek" each week, it's a huge help. I'm waiting for Wednesday to get 74 summoning (18k away).

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Its zeh noob

Wdf, nice amount of blues, where did you get them?

I like it, Real men have +Numbers in their combat.

Slayer only. But I only pick up the charms if ive got some room left ^^

-[DA]RuneScript- *** [ ITS_ZEH_NOOB ]: [slayer] lvl: 82 | exp: 2,623,743 (20.1% of 99) | rank: 48,204 | EXP to lvl 83: 49,371 (80.4% to 83)

started picking them up at arround lvl 75 (dont really remember)

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Y4nk33 D33s

summoning owns tbh, you can gave monsters that store items for you. doesn't affect cmbat lvl in pvp. but it cost alot

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pack yak as its said correctly accually gives str, and theres a lot of healing familluars that dont attack which can help a lot while slaying.

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Bunyip and Packyack = Ownage.  If you got the cash/charms, go for it.

But, makesure you know what the Familiars give before summoning them =p


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