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75 Attack, Yes/No? !!READ BEFORE VOTE!!


Should i get 75attack?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i get 75attack?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • No get 70.

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Ok runescape is getting more boring everyday, so i wanted to do new things.

i did some wcing and cooking and gwd (I FUCKING LOVE GWD ON A PURE) and 75attack would be way better at gwd.

atm i got about 60m bank and 60attk, 96 str, 3 def, 44 pray, 88hp, 95 range+magic.

If i get 75attack ill be 75attack, but if i get 75attack ill olso get 99 str with ss at bandits so ill be around 75attack, 99 str, 92/93hp at cmb 85.

And 99 str will cost me bout 6m in pots etc.

color=#3aff00]Good things about 75attack:[/color]

Better gwd'ing, with bgs/zgs/ags/sgs.

I can use whips.

i can get better exp for bandits with ss to get 99 str.

Bad things about 75 attack

Alot combats levels, Read above.

And for rest i dont know much bad things atm.

please post if u got more good/bad things about 75attack ill add them.


I'd say go 75 attack. Seems like you would enjoy it a lot more than 60 attack. Personally, this is a game it's meant to have fun so if you think it's something your looking forward to, go for it.


I'd say go 75 attack. Seems like you would enjoy it a lot more than 60 attack. Personally, this is a game it's meant to have fun so if you think it's something your looking forward to, go for it.

Yup thats how i think atm too. i used to think like stay low cmb as possible so pking is more fun.


It goes both ways.

I used to be 60 attack, but I got 70 for SS. (which is amazing for str training, btw)

I'm actually training my way up to 75 attack right now, 73 atm.

Of course, higher attack means hitting more often.

So there's a plus.

Other than the cb boost, there's really no other downsides.

It's really all up to you.

With the cash you have, you can comfortably afford a GS.

I'd say go for it, man.


seems obvious too me that ur gonna get 75 attack no matter which way this poll swings as u can clearly see u really want to get it


I personally find higher combat pking fun because you get to get to experiment with the different types of pkers where-as a lower combat level limits you mainly to 1 def pures/initiates.


75 you cant use whip unless you want 76+


Yes if you plan on getting higher/think you'll have fun with it, not to mention the money for a gs, but it looks like you do so go for it.


You could get 70 for SS until you are bored with it, and then PVP or just fun around with whip until 75 Attack.

Kinda what I'm doing.


75 Attack.

Although you will gain a few extra combat levels, your higher hits with an AGS/BGS will make up for it.


From an ex-60 attacker who got 75 attack:

Max out at 60 attack and pk/slay while doing so.

When you get bored (and rich), get 75 attack and discover the joy of an AGS.


i personally wouldnt get 75 attack unless if i had enough cash for ags, but its your choice


At first when i got it i loved it now i hate it.


id get 75 atack if i culd offord ags, otherwize not worth it imo, stay 60 till got 100m+ and can get a ags

Adam | LayDown

wait until u can afford ags


I'd get 70, use whip pking/or whatever until your 75 and by then hopefully you can afford a ags or somthing.


get 70, pk with whip to 75 then never use whip again, :p


get 70 and then pk with whip/ss untill ur 75 ;)


Higher the attack, the harder it's going to be for you to pk. That's just what people have told me. I say no, don't get your attack up.


Higher the attack, the harder it's going to be for you to pk. That's just what people have told me. I say no, don't get your attack up.

Rofl k, either your a retard, or you don't know anything about pking

99 atk 90 str will drop a main faster than 90 atk 99 str, WHy?

The higher your attack the more often you hit and 90-99 its a big difference. gurantee'd


get 70 and then pk with whip/ss untill ur 75 ;)

Doing this.

Posted Image

No way back now.

Tnx for voting.


Do it, buy a BGS, pk in +1 item BH worlds w/ it .

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