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  1. 1. Do you Teleport when PKing

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    • No

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Hello guys, 


Not meaning to undermine the authority of leadership whatsoever, purely a social experiment to find out who does teleport whilst PKing and who doesn't; and where to draw the line? Has honour completely dissapeared? I understand that the pure world has changed since 06-07 so I won't hold any grudges just back in the day honour was very important and I'm sure the other OSC's and Elders will agree that it has been a shame to see it dissapear.



Should We be allowed to Teleport?

Should we be allowed overheads?

Should we be allowed PJing / Tagging?



Looking foward to hearing your views!

Posted (edited)

u can teleport whenever? just not on pk pk trips etc sunday etc


thats enough for me fuck everyone else

Edited by Novations

this picture describes the argument



I disagree with teleporting, however you have to remember that back in the days when the honor system was valued many members of other clans who were "bound" (so to speak) by it weren't allowed to PJ fights or tag, today; the honor system, if enforced would be an old piece of paper, damaged and many of its words smeared and unreadable.



So at the end of the day, 1v1 pking I don't care, you're screwed if you don't teleport - however clanning I'm strongly against teleporting; if you think you're big enough to smack heads with a bigger entity and you end up losing, don't be a pussy and tab away with your barrage runes/dragon daggers because that's just low, don't compete with what you can't handle.


If you want to fight in the wild, be prepared to lose the things your risking. I'm 100% sure all of you guys that "nh brid" would be better off smiting. Unfortunately, I was inactive when the tele passed. In my opinion, FOE is the only clan who can restore honor to the pure pking world. I think we need to adjust the rules of the clan start the movement to becoming an honor clan. 


And when I say honor, I mean no more teles, no more praying 1v1, and NO MORE CRASHING. The crashing in the community is ridiculous and it will only stop if one clan takes initiative. I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 


If you want to fight in the wild, be prepared to lose the things your risking. I'm 100% sure all of you guys that "nh brid" would be better off smiting. Unfortunately, I was inactive when the tele passed. In my opinion, FOE is the only clan who can restore honor to the pure pking world. I think we need to adjust the rules of the clan start the movement to becoming an honor clan. 


And when I say honor, I mean no more teles, no more praying 1v1, and NO MORE CRASHING. The crashing in the community is ridiculous and it will only stop if one clan takes initiative. I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 




id rather tele than die to a pjer



dont tele in wars




id rather tele than die to a pjer



dont tele in wars



There are quick prayers... how do you die to a pjer? This also brings me back to my original point, if you're not willing to lose it, don't risk it!


u can teleport whenever? just not on pk pk trips etc sunday etc


thats enough for me fuck everyone else

Posted (edited)


id rather tele than die to a pjer



dont tele in wars



There are quick prayers... how do you die to a pjer? This also brings me back to my original point, if you're not willing to lose it, don't risk it!



so ur having a 1v1 in level 5 edge, ur pretty much out the other person teles away, whats this??? a fully geared brid trying to kill me when im 0 food? well better pray! shit im only 50hp and have just been barraged, splash! Shit, now i only have to hope the next four spells splash whilst i run to the ditch!


id rather tele m8




''if you're not willing to lose it, don't risk it!''


Sure, i'm willing to lose it to the person im 1v1ing, not the scrubs trying to spec me out after, I cant spawn shit so i dont wanna die for the sake of it and lose money

Edited by Pay To Pk

You wouldn't believe how many times this discussion has taken place since I've been in Foe. I'm talking OVER 30 times, easily.


I used to be completely against the whole "no honour" pking style and it was allowed both pre-eoc (currently rs3) and on OSRS, both against my will, but the fact of the matter is, the majority of this clan and every other clan in the game now teleport. Just because it's allowed doesn't mean you have to tele.


I admit, I've started bringing tabs with me when I use my BGS but that's because I've disconnected for my bank on 4 occasions now, it gets annoying when you log in at lumbridge with an empty inventory and a 50k bank. Clicking a tab just as you dc saves you. This is the only time I've pked with teleports and even then it feels weird tbh.


I can promise you though that this will never be overruled.

Posted (edited)

I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 


We can't change anything, especially with MM gone. I think the best we could get is Eop giving it a shot for a while and then reverting back, clans like Cp, Sv, Rd and Fi are among reasons why we can't even consider trying it.



Even then, there's as much hope for Foe restoring the honour code as there was MM being the pack leader of "no turmoil".

Edited by Pixel Pigeon
Posted (edited)

Yout realise runescape is a game guys

Edited by k or as i

i dont teleport, mm pride 5 lyphe


dont play anymore dont know how it is but nop nop nop fully against teleporting cause I hate when people teleport from me. simple as


What are honor Pkers? they are extinct you won't find them on so called "Runescape 2007"



I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 


We can't change anything, especially with MM gone. I think the best we could get is Eop giving it a shot for a while and then reverting back, clans like Cp, Sv, Rd and Fi are among reasons why we can't even consider trying it.

At the moment, the only thing separating foe  from these other clans is that we don't mass up to crash mini wars. We talk about how shit everyone else is, but at the end of the day we do the same things. That's why I'm all for a tele rule change. I want something to separate us from other clans. 


If I go solo pk or we have a random trip into pvp worlds, I'll bring tabs. This is mainly because of how shitty the servers are for 07, along with the number of scumbags that play the game. There is no more honour in the game, thats long gone. 


To be honest, majority of the time that I bring tabs with me I don't end up using them. I either forget I have them, or stay till the end if the person I'm fighting wasn't being a douche. 


So in conclusion:


Teleports on official PK trips are not allowed, as always. 

Teleports when solo pking are optional. 




I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 


We can't change anything, especially with MM gone. I think the best we could get is Eop giving it a shot for a while and then reverting back, clans like Cp, Sv, Rd and Fi are among reasons why we can't even consider trying it.

At the moment, the only thing separating foe  from these other clans is that we don't mass up to crash mini wars. We talk about how shit everyone else is, but at the end of the day we do the same things. That's why I'm all for a tele rule change. I want something to separate us from other clans. 



Feel free to raise it with leaders, I'm not against the idea however at the end of the day it's not my call.





I believe it is up to FOE to restore the pure clanning community to its former glory. 


We can't change anything, especially with MM gone. I think the best we could get is Eop giving it a shot for a while and then reverting back, clans like Cp, Sv, Rd and Fi are among reasons why we can't even consider trying it.

At the moment, the only thing separating foe  from these other clans is that we don't mass up to crash mini wars. We talk about how shit everyone else is, but at the end of the day we do the same things. That's why I'm all for a tele rule change. I want something to separate us from other clans. 



Feel free to raise it with leaders, I'm not against the idea however at the end of the day it's not my call.


You are a leader mate.  :)


its fine when ur solo but as a clan on trips we dont do that


I think the rule should be deep wild 1v1s (not as a clan) can tele. Events or near safe spot PvP should be kickable if teleing. Only way I see it working.


Running from a fight is no different than teleporting.

In the wild it fair game, prison rules.

You dont tele from team fights because nobody should shit out on their pals

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