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Has RuneScape changed YOU as a person?


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Hello guys,


I'm curious as to see the responses of others in respect to the question posed; Has playing RuneScape changed you as a person? If so please put examples of how, and if you see them as negatives or positives towards you as a person.


I honestly think playing RuneScape has changed me as a person, Yes OK I may have missed out on a few things in my younger years of childhood ages 10-16, but If I'm honest it's actually helped me with a lot of things such as spelling, typing, maths and in the simplest of forms, merchanting, friendship, leadership, teamwork and as funny as it may sound if I could think of one quote it would be;


"Never trust someone that you don't know. Even when you think you can trust someone, they could always go back on their word if their desire for what you have is big enough.



Looking for responsible replies, Please refrain from +1's.





It made me a nerd. And has ruined many friends and family relationships.


But it's okay, because i'm cool on runescape.


Def improved typing and spelling as well as common sense and general computer info.


Honestly, I say it has had positive and negative impact on me.

The negatives would be somewhat of a nerd mentality. I never chose it over my friends but definitely spent my time thinking about it in middle school. I sometimes lacked on homework cause I would be clanning right when I got home until bedtime haha.


The main positive would probably be math and economic tips. I learned what flipping was and have used it in real life. (Buy low sell high) Also, learning investing. It's weird but when I go to a store for something I want and I know it'll go on sale I think of investments and waiting it out: price crashes and supply and demand haha.


Another positive would be follow through with goals. I've learned that if I really want something I'll need to follow through with it and set short and long term goals. The journey to the goal can be long but worth it. (99's)


Nice topic :P Made me think if I was really wasting my time. But I guess its a mixture haha.


Distracted from social life a little bit, I learned that your voice eventually gets deeper and that the internet is full of assholes, but they don't affect a lot of people.

I also learned that it's not worth spending money on a video game


I learned that if this addiction carrys I'm going to be a nerd so I quit


rs got me trough English class, being a foreigner this was very helpful r0fl


id say it has taught me some cool stuff such as different time zones. about other countries and about prices an investments as well.


when i was like 8 yh it made me sick at maths



then ge came and ruined things


Biggest impact was teaching me how to type 138 words per minute, grammar and language. Also taught me if you're paying to have fun then you're not really putting your money to waste. #StakeAddict :P


Biggest impact was teaching me how to type 138 words per minute, grammar and language. Also taught me if you're paying to have fun then you're not really putting your money to waste. #StakeAddict :P


Can relate 100% to this.


i learned alot about cultures arround the world and economics but i cant say its stuff i wouldnt of learned if i didnt play.... i dont think i've done anything much but i also dont think i would have done anything else with the time i've spent playing



i dont think where i am now would be any much different if i didnt play


I agree with most of these responses, it definitely gave me the ability to type extremely fast! And that is a very valuable skill in these times.


Oh and it gave me a huge dick


Years of excessive masturbation


I learned some discipline, I learned some communication, but mostly I learned a lot about leadership. Was captain of my hockey team while leading FOE and a youth group so RS was the best place to practice some leadership stuff without real-world consequences 


just being able to type really quick


just being able to type really quick

also yes, super useful for uni lol started a 6 page paper at 130 am was done by 230




-type faster

-have some sense of other cultures

-better with computers

-i let the little things that annoy me go


i never knew what nijeveen was, now i do


I wouldn't say its changed me but its definitely helped me develop some skills faster than I probably would have otherwise. 


Runescape is shit for your life tbh.. 


Only helps us non-english guys improve our english, thats all..


Gets me 9/10 @ english class


type fast, fuck pixel bitches

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