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Has RuneScape changed YOU as a person?


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I've learned a lot about computers and how to use the internet efficiently for sure. But on the contrary, I've gotten more sedentary.


It taught me how to do maths and spell better when i started playing at like 12-13 :p


I am 23 right now. I started when I was 13 and played on and off since then. Mainly from 7th grade until 10th grade it was my life along with skate boarding. Then I started going to partys and being more social in the real world. I went to a tech school for welding and after that just worked and sat at home trying to save money for a few years. So a lot of rs and xbox during that time. I quit for good(or so I thought) when eoc came out. I am now engaged and to keep myself preoccupied as to stay faithful I play osrs. Basically in my experience rs is a social killer because of the time consumption. Not a whole lot of benefits from playing rs.


Yes, definitely taught me a lot of random info honestly.



Communication skills

Typing skills

Met sick cunts from around the world.

Gained some confidence and leadership skills.from being high council/higher rank.



Hugely addicted at points of time, would push away real life to stay home and scape.

Huge hit on mental/physical health during heavy addiction periods.



Glad I've quit and moved on from mmo gaming all together.


Runescape taught me that a offense is a bad defence. 


Old days merching etc kind of taught me how to sell shit business wise (not in a professional way obviously). GE taught me that stock markets are absolute bullshit.


I hug tree's IRL now



"Never trust someone that you don't know. Even when you think you can trust someone, they could always go back on their word if their desire for what you have is big enough.



b-b-b-b-but you have my 7.5m    :unsure:




have made a decent amount of money irl from rs

and actually 4-5 people who i wouldn't mind keeping in contact with


I hug tree's IRL now




Communication skills.

Fast Typing.

Know things about different cultures.

Was #1 In english class when i was around the age of 12, still am one of the best in class prolly,

Learned alot of words: AFK etc,

Grammar ofcourse



Went to bed WAY TO LATE.

Got up played rs, went to the gym, played rs, went to sleep.


Impact on friends and such, a little bit, since i didn't go out as much as the others did.

  • 4 weeks later...

Did not help me one bit. I was actually glad I got hacked, which forced me to quit this cancer game permanently.  


Positive is probaly better englisch and having fun whit alot of people

negative whasting to much time on the game and staying up to late like right now its 5:22 am here ...

Ready Ok FOE

ruined my social life as a kid but didnt care at that time lol. friends that play(ed) runescape aswell are the best friends haha

wasted atleast 1k on membership and lots more on gold and bots >.>

went from speaking no english to a fkn master compared to kids in my class

and in foe i learned teamwork and that zyzz is a madcunt

Its zeh noob

Positive is probaly better englisch and having fun whit alot of people

negative whasting to much time on the game and staying up to late like right now its 5:22 am here ...

Dan mag je nog wel wat langer spelen...



Positive is probaly better englisch and having fun whit alot of people

negative whasting to much time on the game and staying up to late like right now its 5:22 am here ...

Dan mag je nog wel wat langer spelen...


nachtje door gedaan :p 

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