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my pures first kill :D

Almost Dutch

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well i was just watching fights and i got a target, i only had like 200k so i got some rune knifes, some dragon e etc and set out

he beasted my ass with gmaul instantly, but was still target. so with the little money i had, i got a recoil, a phen neck, 4 dragon bolts, and msb, 20 rune arrows and got out my dds, started msbing him, then dragon E then as i put on phen neck he pulled out maul (we were both low) so i put on dds and specced, :D dropped him and he came back nerd rageing and "reported for bug abuse" i know this loot isnt decent, but its my first kill on this account and im excited

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1st kills are usually very good ones.

I remember when Bounty Hunter came out and even when JaGex first released the statues update, every had decent loot for awhile.

Ps: L2crop :P


not bad eh, grats :)


it woulda been better cropped if iwas on swiftkit, but the main point is the picture of the kill...not whats in my invo


WOOOOOOOO gratz! now go get more and open a bh gallery :L but GZ!


it woulda been better cropped if iwas on swiftkit, but the main point is the picture of the kill...not whats in my invo

I could have a big discussion about this all night but since I won £30,000 on lottery I'll crop the picture for you:

Posted Image


Lol, and i thought you said you don't pk at low level... I downed " I fuc Vesta" yesterday.


Grats on the good drop, may it be the first of many ;)


gratz  :sleep:

good luck on more :nice:


Lol, and i thought you said you don't pk at low level... I downed " I fuc Vesta" yesterday.

i was tricking once (shit loot) then got a targ after watching a fight, i dont normally pk low level tho too poor

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