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Perm ban

One Last Ko

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Posted (edited)

So yeah, was pking at a FOE trip today, logged off for an hour to take a break from RS and play some Call Of Duty, i come back and try to login and i get this.

Posted Image

Perm ban for autoing, had a friend auto like 89-94 mage. Hes from England and im from US, so i said some shit about being hacked and told them to look at the ip's ect ect....but i'm most likely going to stay ban.

So good luck to everyone in RS & RL. Theres no way im returning to RS unless i get unban, which doesn't look like anytime soon. Maybe when they have another mass unban i'll be lucky and get out. But until then i'll miss you guys, won't be on the computer much because i honestly don't even wanna think about Runescape, all my work i did on One Last Ko in the past like 4 years is wasted, my 7 years of playing Runescape ends today, thanks everyone for being apart of it. Good luck with whatever you do.

Will miss you guys more then you know.

Edited by One Last Ko

no1 quits runescape

sir i believe i just did


Thx, I got someone to spam on msn now.


deserved ban. unlucky you got caught, epic win for Jagex



ouch, i was pking with you too! youll get it back i hope. you seemed pretty chill


cya, lesson to be learned, dont cheat, stick to the rules of things


Don't bot on accounts that you care about and might get banned on. Jagex is not playin' with botting :/


Sucks you got caught..but sorry but it was deserved.


this might sound really "out of order" but here goes:

you spent hours, months, even years killing experiments,crabs,arm zombies, maybe even flesh crawlers, you spent countless free time flipping items on the GE to pay for pots and runes etc. you did all of this,and that was just to get your pretty epic stats.

then you spent many a day questing, down to the point that you would have access to the best potential gear for your pure, including ancient magics.

now, after all this, you blow EVERYTHING one one of the easiest skills to train: MAGE. not only does alching require no effort, but if you do it smartly you can even profit from it! think about the years you spent, ask yourself; was that time worth risking for barrage w/o pot? NO, it wasn't.

this might not be what you want to hear, but from me you get NO sympathy. do not even THINK about whining about the ban. what you did was moronic, and you got your just deserts. do not try to get sympathy, do not try and POISON one of the best pure forums around, by making it "acceptable" to auto. what you did was truly the eppitamy of lack of care, so do not pretend you do care now that you have been banned. i hope the ban stays perm, what you did, under JAGEX's rules (whether or not you agree) was perm bannable, do NOT think you are too important for these simple rules, they are designed to make the game better, and if followed, they DO make the gaming experience better.

the truth might not be pretty, but you need it. you deserved the ban, you got it. now make a new account and get levelling (nobdy.leaves.runescape) hopefully you have learnt from this un-thought-out ordeal, and can continue to have fun with RS. GL.

that is all.


the great eye in the tower of jagex is watching us.


If you spend so long playing was it even worth getting your friend to auto for you?

Well c'ya.


the great eye in the tower of jagex is watching us.

you think I'm JAGEX? o.0 lol. i really do like this forum. it's constructive and interesting, and is a tight knit community.

i cannot confirm/deny that i am mod andrew......


Sure you got away with botting. but it always bites you in the ass eventually.

They sometimes put you on a list, along with hundreds of people. And maybe even a few months later, they ban hundreds of people at once game.


(To all those idiots saying that i got ban only for 94 mage) tbh having 94 mage for 3 weeks was worth the ban

And to FOE wannabe, don't feel like reading your paragraph since i saw the first couple words was a bunch of bullshit.


you should get unbanned if u got somebody else to do it


ye thats what im thinking, if i dont get back its ok lol. having this happen help me quit the game


No. macroing perm bans might aswell not even be appealable.

They got proof you macro'd that's end of story.

They NEVER unban you.


Thx, I got someone to spam on msn now.

Until Next Year

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