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Gf One Def Pure


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You can stay 5 and use Steel Defender which Idk if it gives +1 str or get 13 Defence like someone said above and get rune gloves :p

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  • 5tup1d ch0ob



i got hacked for 25 def on my ranger i quit it...the only good part is he made it a mem for 2 months...

didn't even change the recov questions (noob hacker) wat a dummy


Some retarded hacker decided to get on my pure and give him 5 def.  I don't know why.  I didn't do anything to deserve it.  But it happened.  I'm probably gonna quit unless the new bh is amazingly good.

Gf One Def.  **** Five Def.

I'd better change my picture, too.

i think jagex should make something for pures that they can't train def!

dude theres no reason to quit over 5 def... i got hacked lost 45mil and the nerd went and got me the xp from mm back in the day. it pissed me off but i kept goin...


Black pure or initiate sorry to hear that

nice sig


Thanks for the support everyone.

I made a new account.  His name is I Madslash I.  If you want you can add him and we can be friends and such.

Right now I'm either going to be a 20 attack pure with 1 def and prayer, or a 60 attack pure with 1 defence and prayer.  I don't know yet.

Black pure or initiate sorry to hear that

nice sig



10-20 defence is not bad to be honest.


turn it into a initiate pure

5tup1d ch0ob

Some retarded hacker decided to get on my pure and give him 5 def.  I don't know why.  I didn't do anything to deserve it.  But it happened.  I'm probably gonna quit unless the new bh is amazingly good.

Gf One Def.  **** Five Def.

I'd better change my picture, too.

i think jagex should make something for pures that they can't train def!

To bad jagex is for training all stats... so that would never happen.

Tap U Hard

not bad at all, id get rune gloves. i dont think you should quit. I'm three ;D


That blows man. but there is a LOT and i really do mean A LOT of pures that are over one defence that REAAALLLY own :) i wouldn't quit :(


stop crying consider urself lucky most hackers get up to 30 deffence

What's wrong with you?

vinnie | hybrid

2def is yuck. 5 looks more rounded.


man dont quit, 5 def is nothing, what if he got u 30+?


Yeah man don't sweat it ;) U can still get into FOE or stay in FOE if ur already in.. :P 5 def pwns anyways lol and as sm1 sed (forgot who posted this) black (g) is teh sex :P


a 'hacker' got you '5' defence?   :huh:

Seriously don't come here and fucking bullshit saying you got "hacked" for 5 defence i don't think any reasonable person would believe that. You either A) decided you wanted 5 defence for steel/c wars shit. or B) You're a god damn retard and somehow accidentally got 5 defence on accident.

Have a nice day.


Well Id keep 5 but its your choice.... You could also do nat spirit for rune gloves ... U have like 15 def i think

Manraj - Gan

That Sucks dude ;(

Spark bladez

stop crying consider urself lucky most hackers get up to 30 deffence

What's wrong with you?


OMG, Why you made new account???

Turn it into initiate pure, they own too.


Why'd you make another account? You should have kept going with 5 defence, its not that big of a problem..


a 'hacker' got you '5' defence?   :huh:

Seriously don't come here and fucking bullshit saying you got "hacked" for 5 defence i don't think any reasonable person would believe that. You either A) decided you wanted 5 defence for steel/c wars shit. or B) You're a god damn retard and somehow accidentally got 5 defence on accident.

Have a nice day.


But, as for a solution, I think quest a bit, rune gloves, 20 def  :nice:

10 def my ass..  :omg:

or stay 5 def..  :whistle:

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