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Any of the "older" FOE members still play? I'll name some.

- Beastdefire

- Pk  Erno

- I Pk Mods I
- Walli

- Cha0s Pur3

- Zz Ultra Zz

- Dutch Lmfao
- Troo Whip

- Kiid Ownage

- Il P0on3d Il

- S  I  C   K

All of the ones I could think of. Those were some of my favorite pures & a reason why I joined the pure community, it'd be cool if they still played after all these years.


Sefket pls

Posted (edited)

Some people who came up in my mind who have been FOE since 2006, 07 or 08:


- Walli is still here.

- I_Meleed_I is around but has 45 Defence

- Briggsy is still FOE

- Ikz

- And I'm still around


From the names you summed up, Cha0s is the only one who is still in IRC, I think. He doesn't play OSRS as far as I know.

Edited by Bjothur

Dutch lmfao, plays but it is 70 def i think


Walli is here from your list.


Dutch Lmfao gave away his account and is a main. 


As Bjothur said, Briggsy/him/Ikz are pretty old school aswell


Some people who came up in my mind who have been FOE since 2006, 07 or 08:


- Walli is still here.

- I_Meleed_I is around but has 45 Defence

- Briggsy is still FOE

- Ikz

- And I'm still around


From the names you summed up, Cha0s is the only one who is still in IRC, I think. He doesn't play OSRS as far as I know.

Good old I Meleed I. <3 I don't know how I forgot to put him in there!


Walli is here from your list.


Dutch Lmfao gave away his account and is a main. 


As Bjothur said, Briggsy/him/Ikz are pretty old school aswell

That would explain his name being 'Dutch Lmao' I suppose. >_>

Shame, he was a great pure.

Posted (edited)

Ultra is troll now. Haven't seen him in 2 years though

Troo Whip, I think that's Luke, still gets on allied chat and posts around forums sometimes.

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd

I'm still here


Ultra is troll now. Haven't seen him in 2 years though

Troo Whip, I think that's Luke, still gets on allied chat and posts around forums sometimes.

That's a shame. But cool, cool. Troo is a beast. :)


I miss beastdefire :|


I miss beastdefire :|

Same here. He was such a chill guy.



Hello. What was your RSN?



Walli is here from your list.


Dutch Lmfao gave away his account and is a main. 


As Bjothur said, Briggsy/him/Ikz are pretty old school aswell

That would explain his name being 'Dutch Lmao' I suppose. >_>

Shame, he was a great pure.



Heya, thanks haha:p, I don't play anymore, i've played EOC last month but i cba playing anymore, i got a pretty nice 07 account but i dont find it enjoying anymore + i dont have a pc to really play/pk on and i let a irl friend play on it. As for my name, my original name got bannend because it was 'offensive' no idea how it is offensive but meh...


Cool you liked my pk videos  :biggrin:




Walli is here from your list.


Dutch Lmfao gave away his account and is a main. 


As Bjothur said, Briggsy/him/Ikz are pretty old school aswell

That would explain his name being 'Dutch Lmao' I suppose. >_>

Shame, he was a great pure.



Heya, thanks haha:p, I don't play anymore, i've played EOC last month but i cba playing anymore, i got a pretty nice 07 account but i dont find it enjoying anymore + i dont have a pc to really play/pk on and i let a irl friend play on it. As for my name, my original name got bannend because it was 'offensive' no idea how it is offensive but meh...


Cool you liked my pk videos  :biggrin:


That's rather silly. Awesome to know that you pop in on the FOE Forums still. But yeah, I feel you. RuneScape just isn't the same anymore. I feel that we were all exposed to way too many new things & that's why bringing back 2007 just got pretty boring for most people -- since most people seemed to have enjoyed 2008-2011 era. (Personally my favorite as well.) But I still do play 2007 just because I still enjoy it. :p




dennis the menace


I quit a while ago


Meleed hangs out in the "Finalownage" cc, Walli is here. 


im here aswell. thx.


im here aswell. thx.


this guy tryna fit in



im here aswell. thx.


this guy tryna fit in


dnt b mean kris

I J3r I Pur3


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