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Account for clanning.


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So i intend on playing rs a bit more regularly. I just really only wanna go to pk trips and clan wars etc, on my pure acc. Whilst trying to make cash to fund the pking trips etc on my pure from my main acc.


current stats:





So, i realise my mage and range need to be drastically levelled, i dont mind that at all. question is. for now, 44 pray? 52?


50 attack or 60 attack (keeping in mind im just wanting to clan right now)


im thinking getting 82 mage and 70 range for now, later goals would be 85 range with 94 mage. maybe get str higher. if i have the time.


lastly, how to go about making cash for such levels? i dont wanna suckle and train range by using iron knives at experiments (unless i can find a way to bot without getting banned now) as well as funding the mage.


any legit ways of making bank yet? right now im barrowing and doing kingdom on my main for cash...


suggestions/advice much appreciated.




good stats so far for attack id say 60 attack simply because 50 attack has no real benefit in wars and for prayer id say get 52 prayer because that will help you make money while you clan for example smiting whips during fights happens quite often.


Good luck man, btw if you want to train range buy a bunch of rune arrows and got o NMZ. average 60-70k an hour there.


I'd spend a few dollars on mills and just get it quickly.


Try barrows for cash?


Clue scrolls are decent.




Concerning prayer: If you like midweeks and stuff, get 52 :)


Thanks for the input thus far, yeah im doing barrows on my main for the gp atm. working to getting zammy book filled and then the cash for 82 mage (about 23m i believe) whilst also working towards gp goals on the main acc lol.

Nearly Godz

If you want to make an account only for clanning try and get the highest possible prayer level you can afford because it will safe alot of money in the long run.


1 def and just get anything as high as possible for clanning, the higher the better


I'd go 60 attack and 52 prayer. 


60 attack 92 strength 90 ranged 94 mage 


money making: buy rsgp stake then sell it back. repeat


smart answer :p thanks though.


Pretty sure you & I were friends a long time ago. Your name rings a bell. 'J O O.' You probably wouldn't remember me, as I've had multiple accounts with countless different name changes on each. >_>

I remember you used to rock a Santa hat back then


Pretty sure you & I were friends a long time ago. Your name rings a bell. 'J O O.' You probably wouldn't remember me, as I've had multiple accounts with countless different name changes on each. >_>

I remember you used to rock a Santa hat back then

probably ;p

Its zeh noob

60 attack, 44 prayer (get 52 after 86 mage), atleast 86 mage for teleports. 86 mage > 70 range for clanning for the moment. And if u like u can farm herbs for some gp.


range drags 

thx walli ily <3 lol hi <3


emo y u still here

  • 2 weeks later...

Start staking man, but stake smart :).

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