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So I was wondering if its possible to get a clan structure/page? on the old forums there was a list of the members and what their role was and where in the clan they stand (stature/power/whateveruwannafuckincallit)


It's been a while since ive been on the forums or interacting with foe and a LOT has changed, however i cannot actually find a list of the notable members etc, i know there is a memberlist, but that doesnt really do justice anymore... there are other ranks on the forums that are not put onto the member list gfx, gfx overload, public mod, etc)




(this is just out of curiosity)

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It's just not quite the same. there was a actual page dedicated to the listing. it would get updated when people shifted ranks on each promotions, etc. oh well. perhaps one day...

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It's in the "about" section on your left under "applications"  :happy:

that's just the leadership. lol. im sounding extremely cuntish right now, sorry

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It's in the "about" section on your left under "applications"  :happy:

that's just the leadership. lol. im sounding extremely cuntish right now, sorry


what about clanbase ML ??? 

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