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Training up a pure


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I've noticed a number of members, including myself, making new accounts and aiming for max 1 defence 60 attack. Decided I would put together a small guide on how to get tri 80s/90s in under a month. This is done with quest efficiency and the exact order I followed - Methods in bold are the methods I took - cheap/fast.





So for magic, I used curse (weaken w/e until 19) at the fight cave until 82 which took me about a week and cost around 300k-400k (CHEAP!)


Optional to level up quicker if you have a lot of spare cash is to start alching from 55 - 82/94. I'm currently at 82 magic until I have tri 80s. Once you have tri 80s, or when ever, alch from 82 - 94.


(EDIT: Splash to 82 magic/94)




1 - 20 Iron knives at cows


20 - 33 Iron knives at barbarians


33 - 40/50/60 Range guild (Use ranging potion at 33 to enter, only requires 1 dose if you stay there straight through to 40+)


Complete the quests: WaterfallVampire slayerFight arenaLost cityMountain daughterTree gnome village, Animal magnetism, Death plateau (Grand tree optional at this stage - read further)


40/50 - 70/75 Iron knives at experiments/rock crabs/sand crabs (Requires completion of Priest in peril)


65 - 99 Rune arrows/Iron knives at Nightmare Zone or Chins at MM tunnel


(EDIT: Blowpipe at NMZ from 75 - 99)





Strength and Attack


Complete quests stated in range guide


43-50/59 Rock crabs at Waterbirth (Requires 1000gp each time you visit - Afkable) (EDIT: Sandcrabs)




30-50/60  Rock crabs


50/60-80 Experiments


70-99 Nightmare Zone/Experiments/Bandits




I recommend only getting 70/80 strength until you are happy with your range level (90+ or even 99) this is so your account is quested to be a Nightmare Zone host > free dream entry for yourself with best monsters for ranged xp


You can complete Grand tree when you are 50/59 attack as it gives a large amount of attack xp and unlocks the demon at Nightmare Zone which means less xp/hr but isn't too bad when training strength


When you have 60 attack and don't wish to complete monkey madness, I recommend the Obsidian sword paired with a Berserker necklace since it hits faster and higher than a dragon scim.




Combat bracelet > Mith gloves


Iron defender > Unholy book




When you have tri 90s or don't mind paying out 20k for every Nightmare Zone dream


- Complete: Monkey madness, Horror from the deep, Recipe for disaster up to mith gloves, Desert treasure, Fight cave

Edited by Pacha
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what u think is better rune arrows in nmz or knives also dont have a lot of money so dunno what to take


Rune arrows are like 15k-20k+ more xp an hour but if you don't have much money to spare then i probably suggest knives

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Nice new up-to-date guide.. 


Whats the loss/xp an hour with nightmare zone rune arrows?

Edited by Marc
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thanks :) question, from 60 range at NMZ, any idea what range lvl id end up at with 10k arrows?


Rune arrows? Not quite sure, I think Novations started at about 65 range if you want to ask him, I think you may get 67/68 ?


Nice new up-to-date guide.. 


Whats the loss/xp an hour with nightmare zone rune arrows?


:) Depends on what points you're getting a game, prayer pots cost ~195k a game, arrows ~ 270k (~460k, pure ess sell at 40 ea, ~500k points a game so maybe ~100k loss per dream BUT buy herb boxes every day, make prayer potions with rannars and that will give you less loss or near enough break even) but xp is like 60k+ an hour at 80 range

Edited by Pacha
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