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Should RuneScape Be Free?


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They want to take all bots out first. Then they will consider f2p.


They want to take all bots out first. Then they will consider f2p.



i've been saying they should make it f2p since day 1 else the game has no future


there should be a real f2p

Ready Ok FOE

id play if it were f2p


Jagex were too worried about the numbers of bots and a huge playerbase can't be ruled by the 4 mods that work on RS07; that's why there's no f2p.


Marketing wise im pretty sure its not possible for jagex. Also free game means less support means more bugs more abuse. I like the fact that we pay



They want to take all bots out first. Then they will consider f2p.




It's what Mod Mark said on one of his streams a while ago.


Bots will take over tho


They will make it f2p soon probably.


I think they brought it back for the people who were paying for the game at the time when EoC hit and didn't like it, So Everyone would keep there subscriptions but still enjoy the game like they did in 07, I agree though, They would make so much more money having f2p, Doesn't sound like it because of it being "free to play" but it would bump up the player base - bringing more people to pvp worlds - Bringing more people to stop being poor and pay for subscriptions with OS RSGP or whatever their preferred payment method is.

Sorry for rambling on, Its very early and I'm bored.

Nearly Godz

Yea those days were the best, earth/fire strike pking until combat 15 then make a new acc because chaos runes were too expensive


I'm hoping to see f2p some day, but I agree with jagex on that they really need to work with botting first. Releasing f2p now would just skyrocket the amount of bots and make things even worse. I don't mind paying for the game on one account but if we had f2p I would definately make one or two new f2p accounts. 

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