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lost 74m and cried on video.

Almost Dutch

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this has already been posted and ofcourse is old.  BUT. i was actually in the clan this kid was in, we were in a small group / clan called infamous legion (on my main account) and after watching this video youll probably be laughing :P and yah this kid cries like that, he has an emotional breakdown each time he dies in bh, now if you want to harrass the kid like people do in the comments now is your chance :D. why? because i feel mean, and i told him id do it, so if you wanna go laugh at him heres the ventrilo info

100% legit. youll find me in there usually.

hostname: titanium.typefrag.com

port: 30149

hes canadian so youll find him there at any time for candians, also tell them your looking for " littleguy " his rsn = bwuk im h1n1 now,

so yah if you wanna laugh at a kid that lost 74m and cried go for it, tell em dutch sent ya :) (i get admin if enough do it)



Rather Funny though if i do say so myself :)



this has already been posted and ofcourse is old

thanks for bump though.


seen it, it was funny the first time i saw it, not anymore  :sleep:


Ill get back at you ultra


sad that you find peoples sadness funny, your sick


--> OLD <--



Funny things never get old. Unless your a 70 year old comedian, that's a different story though.  :wow: Sucks he lots 74M of course but really nothing to cry about...  ;)


Wow what a retard. Id never cry if I lost something in rs

Its fucking pixels kid

Hes crying like he just got shot in the chest




lol, should go back at see how many times he says "SHET"!


an this, folks, is why we dont rush. to be specced out by somone who cant afford a rune full helm. funny stuff there. 74m takes what, like a month or so to make if you know what you're doing @ GE, so why is this kid crying?


Old but feel bad for him anyhow :cry: '-'

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