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I Duck Pk I Pk vid 5 Gmauler


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yeah while i was training i got a desent amount of clips, for those who see the end thats the kind of stuff thats gonna be used in next vid, got like half a vid worth of clips already :D highest risk ive got a clip of for next vid is like 2.2m :) comparing to this vid which is 600k :X


50 attack

79-82 strength

77-80 range

1 def

44 pray

Enjoy, tell me what you liked, hated w/e :P



Music was Terrible

Pking was Terrible

Editing was Awesome

Average risk wasnt 600k, it was about 100k.

Carlos (loso)

it was ok...but should have risked more.



Music was Terrible

Pking was Terrible

Editing was Awesome

Average risk wasnt 600k, it was about 100k.

Emm top hat = 200k and gmaul = 400k , those 2 added = 600k, go to school..?


Nothing special, music wasn't too bad.

Not much big hitting though.


Nice Vid.

They were high risks/decent hits for his cb.


Was okay, would have liked to see some bombo's and stuf, maybe knife ->dbow->gmaul ?

Also, don't say "nerd" and stuff when you've killed your oponent, looks very trashy.


You dont bring pots with you? i assume you pot before you go in.. thats a bit silly >.< you should be potting at the start of each fight, you also only have 1 recoil each time =/

Liked the music

Good editing

Nice kills

But as Karma said, what reason do you have to hurl random insults at someone you just killed? Mature.

Overall the video was pretty good.


I enjoyed it tbh, hes a low level pure gotta cut him some slack :s


was good 3/5, however there wasnt enough going on, it was only maul at edge, if there was more variety of pk spots or weps, it'd been much betterĀ  :huh:


Was okay, would have liked to see some bombo's and stuf, maybe knife ->dbow->gmaul ?

Also, don't say "nerd" and stuff when you've killed your oponent, looks very trashy.

I only ever say that kind of thing for a reason, for example the person who i killed with the top hat and kbow, i purposly got him to attack me because he rushed me earlier :P normally stuff like they are annoying targs, safe really hard or something, ive been cutting down on that though :)

O and my new vid gonna have better hits, gonna be pkin in like zammy robes and i got a ton of clips of me pkin with swh and vls, so should be good :)

and i dont not bring pots regularly, only that time when there was a targ right there who was gonna fight and i new it, so i potted and dropped vials on the way :P

thanks for the feedback, alreaddy got a ton of clips me using different varietys, risking alot more but not higer in thw wildy, ive trid pkin at drags but whever i go theres no-one there lol, but i will keep trying, thanks guys, this isnt the last you will be hearing from me ^^


is was okei m8 :)

Didn't like the music, but the edite was kewl! :D


Alrite editing, average vid, horrible music.

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