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new bh

ur f r 0 z e

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ur f r 0 z e

so how was ur guys new bh encounters. we had a real good trip and from what i heard people have gotten some pretty good drops.so whats ur pros and cons on the new bh in my oppion i luv it ive made 1m profit from it. so this topic is for u guys to discuss what u like bout new bh. what u dislike. what could they have done to better it. anything bout the new bh dicuss about it ...im going to sleep goodnight babiesĀ  <3 <3 <3 <3 :D


Havn't PvPed in ages. So this new BH should be ownage for me :)


yeah i got a kill off of some welfare kid, and i got 200k loot lol so its pretty nice, it just takes too long to change your targets once they leave thats all

hyb r 1 d

Its better then old wildy, since i can kill my 3 item targ and get like 5m loot

Kiid Ownage

I 100% love this i just wasted 10m on bh equipment and hoping to make 'Kiid Ownage - Bh vid 1 - FinalOwnageElite!' very soon if i make foe lol :) to me its like old wildy, pro drops. and i love the levels of wild. alot more i can say about this lovely update but ima get back to bhing :)


lol only thing is targets take too long but other then that its fantastic espically loot from targs like got a 88k loot in f2p from some 1 itemer lol.


Yup only problem is the slow target respawns lol..

Also surely if everyone keeps getting amazing drops such as ones that have been posted, the economy may soon fail?

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