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Crystal bow


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Hey guys,


I was just wondering if I should do the quests for crystal bow, as I've already got the 56 agil (dem running gains Usain Bolt in the making), #worth?





Not worth, cant really use it on pk trips, and it doesnt deal alot of damage if you pvm or anything like that.


not really useful


cant bring to trips so nah m8


get agility tho, fi starting to bring super energys to trips so they can run from us more rofl


Not worth, cant really use it on pk trips, and it doesnt deal alot of damage if you pvm or anything like that.


Hey guys,


I was just wondering if I should do the quests for crystal bow, as I've already got the 56 agil (dem running gains Usain Bolt in the making), #worth?

yes og


I got it on my first pure on rs07 for the hell of it


i mean if u really want but not much use unless u rag alot

Ashley Bear

I have one but don't really use it lel. If you have the time/patience to do the awful quests go ahead but not really any point

Pixel Pigeon

not really useful


cant bring to trips so nah m8


get agility tho, fi starting to bring super energys to trips so they can run from us more rofl


Super energies won't save them from our strong mage unit


not rlly worth it


Do it, it's fun in castle wars. 


fun to rag with

this, :p


I got my crystal bow..and I haven't really used it at all :p


c bow is the best wep out there, im the defender of 325 varrock


If you don't mind questing its nice to have, but you won't be missing much if you don't get it.


Sweet, thanks for the replies guys, i probably wont get it then as I've got more important things to be getting :p 


It was decent in the beginning of 07 when ppl had msb's but not rly that useful anymore. Ofc you can do what ever you want to=)


yea I wouldnt go out of my way to do it tbh, I did regicide for dragon hally though :P


If you don't MIND questing, it's a decent thing to have for castle wars or something, but shit for trips and preps


I got it on my first pure on rs07 for the hell of it


Do it, it's fun in castle wars. 


This and ragging but that's about it, Xbow is better.

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