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Best Strength training for 1 attack?


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Been at rock crabs (77strength) but the levels are over 5-6hrs apart. And I'm only getting 20k exp/hr...

Any better spots?


try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly


Rockcrabs is pretty much the only thing u can do, use slay staff for more gains. You should get more than 20k/h anyways tbh


Rockcrabs is pretty much the only thing u can do, use slay staff for more gains. You should get more than 20k/h anyways tbh

I just got fire cape. And I hav torso. So ill have maxed bonuses.

try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly

Don't do this if you want to keep your account.  Botters are getting banned left and right now a days.  You are better off just afking the rockcrabs or if you have the extra money afking nmz or bandits.

Hy Br iDz

try elder chaos druids.


try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly

Posted (edited)

try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly

Don't do this if you want to keep your account. Botters are getting banned left and right now a days. You are better off just afking the rockcrabs or if you have the extra money afking nmz or bandits.
Is nmz even possible at 1 attack? Edited by TJ



try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly

Don't do this if you want to keep your account. Botters are getting banned left and right now a days. You are better off just afking the rockcrabs or if you have the extra money afking nmz or bandits.
Is nmz even possible at 1 attack?


Ohh 1 attack, nvm.  Yeah rock crabs is definitely your best bet.  Just use the afk spot on waterbirth island 


what about experiments? I see alot of people there with slay staff


expers at a push tbh


expers at a push tbh

I thought experiments have a bit of defence.

I think Rock crabs is the best option though.


try botting at rockcrabs the levels fly


Botting is agianst the Runescape rules.

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