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First Anime Signature

To Idolize

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Well I used about 11 different C4Ds and tons of different effects. I was working on flow as well as color. I would love to have your opinion on this.  ^_^


I dont know much about GFX ( as you probably know ) but that looks pretty cool I'd say  :nice:

9/10 :p I like the colours


Yeah I love the colors. But it's no where close to as some of the artists/overlords work.


you are really starting to become a great artist, i hope you keep doing this.

it looks great, the colors are sweet and you really made the girl stand out, some of the brushes didn't really work out tho

keep going, cuz this ain't bad at all


O.o I didn't use any brushes in here besides the soft brush to add burns/dodges for lighting and darkness. I used a bunch of different C4Ds to make the background and then smudged it all for the purple background. I also added tons of effects to the C4Ds and the background. Thanks for the complement though. :)


i ment the smudges, if you look at the right side were it starts to get abit lighter purple ish, it looks kinda wierd imo

but you are on the good path to becoming a GFX Artist on this forums


Oh I understand what you mean. Didn't really catch my eye as I didn't want it too dark or too light but thanks for poining that out!


Good sig, but the text is a bad font, in a horrible place.

Follow some text tuts ^_^


much better then you're last, a bit messy behind the hair maybe, nice colours though the balance is just right imo. text could be sharper, or just get rid of it.


Thanks. I placed the text there so it's visible. My friend used to be really good at GFX but his artwork got ripped a lot so keeping text there is important to me. Even though my artwork isn't worthy of being ripped. :wow:


Pretty sick for your first one.


Thanks, it's not my first signature although one of my favorites. :wub:


yea, i agree on the sharper text or none at all, nicely done though :)


fucking epic mang, i love it :O  :ohmygosh:


Haha thanks! :lol:

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