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Defense 20?


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I Have 11 defence atm and im not sure if getting 20 def Is worth it

-Its 2 more combat lvs il have to live with

-But i can use more gear idk

You think getting 20 defense would be better or keeping 10.

:o :o :o :o :o :o


With 20, you gain access to vesta, statius and mystic etc.

Its whether you cana fford too pk in them or not.

If you can then get 20, if you can't then stay 11.


if u can afford to pk in the stuff then shure why not but if ur just gonna go welfare and wear robes and shit then no >.> but u do get more bonuses and stuff to wear so that could be something to take into concideration


With 20, you gain access to vesta, statius and mystic etc.

Its whether you cana fford too pk in them or not.

If you can then get 20, if you can't then stay 11.


get 13 def and be like cha0s pur3


get 13 def and be like cha0s pur3

That wont get me rune gloves its jus an extra free 2 def lvs that like me getting 62 attck lol

If you have a lot of money to afford the gear, go for it...


rofl if ur 11def u mite as well get 20def cuz 11 is an ugly number plus 20 means more gear


#20 is sexy 11 is ugly i agree


Depending on stats mate I wouldn't.

Look at my acc for example I got 20def and I'm 70cb with 75mage 71str 60att 71range.

Pures with 1def is around 80str plus.  At lower levels it isn't really worth it, I do think its worth it however I have not went pking yet.

Its you'r account at the end of the day so its really up to you.


Id recomened getting 20 defence. Why? You will be able to use mystic and shit witch is pretty sick.


Id recomened getting 20 defence. Why? You will be able to use mystic and shit witch is pretty sick.

I'd recommend you just get 70 def


With 20, you gain access to vesta, statius and mystic etc.

Its whether you cana fford too pk in them or not.

If you can then get 20, if you can't then stay 11.


if u can afford to pk in the stuff then shure why not but if ur just gonna go welfare and wear robes and shit then no >.> but u do get more bonuses and stuff to wear so that could be something to take into concideration

Gf stealing Ryans gif.


no -  20 def is really not worth it unless you can afford to frequantly pk in vesta =P initiate just dosent make it worth it. if you get 20 def , all good 1 def pures will be 19 STR/RANGE/MAGE levels above you. not worth it imo.


i say go 20=)

im a maxed gs pure with 20 def 92 cb owninnnnnnn' like hell


Sure it's worth it, if you can afford to loose 2m every time you die.


If you only pk on bh worlds no.

If your a good hybrid and pk on pvp worlds its very good. but the problem is its overpowered, so if you find pking to easy atm it only gets easer with 20 defence lol.


if ur already 11 then 20 ye


Aslong as you can afford it then yes it seems the best idea.


With 20, you gain access to vesta, statius and mystic etc.

Its whether you cana fford too pk in them or not.

If you can then get 20, if you can't then stay 11.

Adam | LayDown

ok u no that when u get 20 def u will need major $$ to kill people, u will need to buy stat ags or some kind of high hitting wep

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