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Combat Beta Update 09/05 (good news for pre eoc fans)


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Posted (edited)

There were three stand-out changes from your feedback that have been brought into effect today:


   - Life point bonuses have been removed from the majority of armours – apart from Nex sets and upwards.

   - Critical chance has been removed, in place of strength bonuses that will increase your max hit.

   -  Special attack hit chance now scales with your levels.


We've also brought in a batch of changes to abilities:


    Quake now deals 188% weapon damage and the debuff is more effective.

    Havoc now drops enemy prayer and deals up to 125% weapon damage, has a cooldown of 10 seconds and shares that cooldown with Smash.

    Havoc and Decimate no longer share a cooldown.

    Wild Magic now deals 40-188% weapon damage with each attack.

    Slaughter now hits five times.

    Deadshot and Massacre’s damage-over-time effects now deal 313% weapon damage.

    Interrupt abilities now always deal up to 100% weapon damage, irrespective of whether your target is stunned.

    Stun abilities now always deal up to 200% weapon damage, irrespective of whether your target is stunned.

    Stun immunity no longer affects the damage dealt by interrupt/stun abilities.


Last but not least, here's a list of smaller, more specific changes that we've made today:


    Scaled healing based on Constitution level has been removed from food.

    Food now triggers a global cooldown, and no longer drains adrenaline in PvE.

    Resonance’s healing now scales with the level of shield equipped.

    Bakriminel bolts' focus can be changed during combat.

    Poison now takes off-hand weapons into account when dealing damage.

    Adrenaline bars will now show again in PvP.

    The abyssal whip special attack now drains 100% run energy.

    Poisoning the dark energy core at the Corporeal Beast will slow it down.

    A combat level restriction of plus or minus 40 combat levels has been added to Bounty Hunter.

    The special attack button is now an ability in the constitution section of the ability book.





So LP bonuses from armours are going to get removed, this means pures can come back, right? legacy master race any1

Edited by whutz

So many items, attacks and terms I've never heard of. Are you sure it's not World of Warcraft?


We still can't wear any armour though?


So many items, attacks and terms I've never heard of. Are you sure it's not World of Warcraft?

its not even close to worth trying out


i stick with oldschool


I don't think there are any eoc fans here. :)

I J3r I Pur3



So many items, attacks and terms I've never heard of. Are you sure it's not World of Warcraft?


I can't see myself going back.


Yeee... not so good news for pre-eoc fans tho :/ 


Yeee... not so good news for pre-eoc fans tho :/ 

yes ik that it isnt that good, but its still something...



Yeee... not so good news for pre-eoc fans tho :/ 

yes ik that it isnt that good, but its still something...


Nah it's nothing I won't still be able to go brid with my wolp anymore. And barrage freezes for 5 secs there ye nty


I don't think there are any eoc fans here. :)


I can't see myself going back.




I don't get it, your title said pre-eoc fans. Pretty sure this isnt pre-eoc

Posted (edited)

The way 07 is going it will practically be what pre-eoc was In 2009/2010.  

Edited by E ric

So many items, attacks and terms I've never heard of. Are you sure it's not World of Warcraft?


I can't see myself going back.


Yeh, shit is still weird.


07 has become the better game. Jagex needs to put more resources into development.


07 has become the better game. Jagex needs to put more resources into development.

unless 07 gets some expansion, it will die out 


I'd still try legacy out before presuming that legacy is going to be shit or bad^^



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