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Posted (edited)

Just coming back to rs and deciding on what pure to make.

1 Def vs 25 Def vs 45 Def vs 70 Def?

I don't want to be spending a lot of money so at the moment its either 1 or 25...

Also is there a proper place to pk? i heard pking is dying from some people.


Edited by Fugeela

1 def if you're a pker.


25 def if you're gonna be using it for clanning only.


okay, if you plan on pking in either PVP or pk worlds you want 60 attack 1 defence, if you join a pure clan and only really focus on pure clanning then 25 def 99 att is the way to go


1 def if you're a pker.


25 def if you're gonna be using it for clanning only.


1 def for pking at a lower level,


25 def once you are satisfied and wish to clan purely.


1 for pking

10 or 13 for swag

25 for clanning

45+ for lots of questing and skilling


If you want to be a pure get 1 Defence, but if you want to be a main get 20-45-70-99 Defence. =)

Posted (edited)

I might just stay a 1 def, since it will be cost efficient and really fun (right?). I mean you can still clan like a boss with 1 def I'm assuming?

Edited by Fugeela

1 defense 

Its zeh noob

if you want to be a pure stay 1. If you want anythign else get 99.

Nearly Godz

1 def if you're a pker.


25 def if you're gonna be using it for clanning only.


Basically what everyone else said...


1 def if you're a pker.


25 def if you're gonna be using it for clanning only.


29 defense xD


1 defence, 60 attack.

Posted (edited)

1def ftw! and 60 atk ofc.

Edited by Heppu2000

Nvm guys just got 2 def accidentally, the staff system got me, feeling so stupid right now haha, but i decided to stay 2 def and maxed 60 atk. will post progress in a few weeks as I'm chocoblocked with study and work lol.

thanks everyone for the comments i appreciate it!

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