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Help me with installing PS CS4 :(


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okay, so i have a good activation key and i have downloaded ps cs4

now when i start up the setup.exe when i get to the installing part it says i should put my installation CD into G:/

problem is, i downloaded it on the interwebs, what do i do now :( ?


You need a mounting program, like PowerIso to make a virtual drive that you can put your .ISO on. Essentially, you're "CD" the file you downloaded and you can put it into an imaginary "CD drive" which the program mentioned above will do for you.


1) Download PowerIso from the link.

2) Get a serial from YouTube.

3) Mount your file on a virtual drive.

4) Install.

5) Jizz in your pants.


I want to get CS4 but I don't understand how this stuff works. I got a serial from YouTube and downloaded CS4 from adobe.com but unfortunately every time I closed and reopened PS it asked for a new code. Is there any possible way to get it only use one code over and over? Without buying Photoshop CS4?

I have a legit version of CS3.


I want to get CS4 but I don't understand how this stuff works. I got a serial from YouTube and downloaded CS4 from adobe.com but unfortunately every time I closed and reopened PS it asked for a new code. Is there any possible way to get it only use one code over and over? Without buying Photoshop CS4?

I have a legit version of CS3.

i am currently downloading the torrent that 'stef posted here:http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=8527.0

EDIT:didnt work for me, though i think it's because ive used a bunch of keygens that didn't work, and now when i try to put a key it says license has expired(any1 know a way to fix?)


I downloaded that with utorrent (never used a torrent before) and I didn't know what to do at all. Not knowing what to do and how safe it was, I removed it from my computer immediately.


it works for me now :whistle:


it works for me now :whistle:

Ah, you should of got CS2, CS4 sucks IMO.

i hate powerIso, pisses me off :@


i don't care really cuz i only need it to make a banner lol

@Beast; can you explain:

3) Mount your file on a virtual drive.



Mine fucked up too.. I couldn't even uninstall the bitch for months lol..


i just installed a cracked version :\

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