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Something to watch


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Here's something I think everyone should watch, The Century of the Self:




This is a 3 part series I think, and you can find the other parts by Googling them. This is a sacred series imo, hence Youtube takes it down and nobody ever speaks of it, but it is the true fact of today's society and government. Just something that will get you thinking.


When I enter a grocery store I don't see products as products anymore, but rather marketing strategies in today's corporatocracy and the desperation in trying to earn mass amounts off revenue.  


Might be boring to most of the population, but I found it really insightful and hope it will help you view life differently as well  :smile: enjoy

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It's really cool, I enjoyed it  :laugh: documentaries ftw


korasi it's about mass consumerism and monies  :ph34r: but watch it for thyseeeelf I just didn't want to give it away or take away from it's worth by tl;dr'ing it!  

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When I walk into a grocery store and see apples I see apples 



They aren't just apples.


They are waxed and polished, injected with chemicals and fertilisers, grown in a brown abused substance that they call "soil". All of which in a country on the other side of the world to abuse labour costs.


They are then flown to our countries (transport impacts and waste), marketed excessively, and competed amongst corporations to provide you with extremely low prices AND yet still profitable. 


What a utilising and sustainable world we live in!


Pls buy 1 organic apple and 1 non-organic apple and leave both out for a week. Feel, see, and smell the difference. The non-organic apple has an oily texture when you feel it and tbh the apple dies before it rots (yes there is a fine difference) which is all due to the chemical additives thus leading to an unbalanced formation. The organic apple just shrivels and rots, like it should.



tl;dr: they are not just apples!  :laugh:

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Dave (Cha0s)

Won't watch today but you should watch Rogue Traders on iPlayer, always covering cons and scams on the marketplace.

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Won't watch today but you should watch Rogue Traders on iPlayer, always covering cons and scams on the marketplace.



I think I've heard of it, yeah will watch that too. The century of the self is more on a global scale and relates back to 70 ish years ago


Yw Androoopoooh 

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