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Some news about Zamorak halos


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Posted (edited)


Edited by Alcatraz

gonna nolife Clw soon

Danny The Great

Hate Castlewars so i'm not gonna get one.


Thats not even the real guy....

But yes we are getting halos back. Confirmed on twitter.


Thats not even the real guy....

But yes we are getting halos back. Confirmed on twitter.

Uhm not the real guy? Mate, that is the pure acc of Mod Alfred (lmfao got 2 def)

Posted (edited)

What is it?


The Zamorak halo is an item worn in the head slot that can be bought from (or sold to) Lanthus for 300 castle wars tickets. When worn, this item reduces the drain rate of offensive prayers to 2/3 of the normal rate (0.33 times lower). This is approximately equivalent to a prayer bonus of +15.

The Zamorak halo acts as a Zamorak item and thus prevents its wearer from being attacked by Zamorak followers in the God Wars Dungeon.

The Zamorak halo, along with Guthix and Saradomin halos, currently gives the highest magic defence bonus of any item worn on head.

When worn, this halo reduces the drain rate of the Burst of Strength, Superhuman Strength, Ultimate Strength, Chivalry and Piety prayers.

Basically the best headgear for one defence, + it looks sick.

Edited by Alcatraz

let me see your halooo


Doing this while homework no problem


eh i cba to get 300 tickets


might start doing this more again soon 


Cool ,thanks for sharing

I J3r I Pur3



bet the new jmods ass is so wet evry1 be licking it


is there a castle wars afking bot?


cus im down


Good thing i got some tickets already then

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