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Anti Anti Lured For Ags/Acb :(.

Hy Br iDz

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Still got over 200m to rebuild, so I'm not extremely pissed but yet I still am.


Yah, I feel really stupid right now but w/e I'm just posting this to help you guys out.


So this guy approaches me telling me wanna make 100m.

Right from the start I knew it was it lure.

So, he tells me to bring acb/ags to entrana and to note them, which I do.


Heres where it gets interesting.

This random guy (to my knowledge he was attempting to help me) tells me to search "doge ladder" on youtube, so I do.

Apparantly the lure is this ->

There is 2 rounds, so you get 30m in the first round, then 100m in the second round.

The objective that I was trying to do was get the 30m and run, before I get "lured" in the second round.


So, to my understanding round #1 is a "tempation" round and round #2 is the real lure.

I'm supposed to get 30m in the first round, and then get scammed the 100m in round two.

So, he trades me random shit and I accept.



Think is what I think is going to happen.




But instead, this happened.


I drop the shit for 1 second, he drops a flower on me.

He traded me this random thing that I didn't know was considered a weapon, so I get kicked off the island

gg me.



So, technically the video was created by the lurer himself, and not an anti-lurer.








Just so you know, have already rebuilt aproximately 50m of that, and I'm continuing so np.

Just warning everybody.





half the time lurers are successful because they think the other person is gonna anti-lure them


why would u actually drop ur shit


my goodness cmon now

Yeah ik, was expecting this.


Drop ags/acb

Get 30m.

Then, he would want me to go down ladder which is 1 way, and I wouldn't go.



Thought I'd anti-lure 30m but nope.



Update -> Rebuilt aprox 65m/100m.





any 2nd person who interferes is always with the lurer, some fucker and his friend lured me back in 05 when one of them was pretending to be on my side


what was the iteams


what was the iteams

ags acb.

Coton Pker

wow O.o

what did he trade you that got you kicked off the island?

but he was able tot have it to trade to you without getting kicked off.


you fell for the lure... the entire part of the lure is to have someone add you and tell you it's a lure...


are u retarded


yup lost close to everything.


lol... why would u bring ags/acb noted like ever


rofl Its Burnzy is in my team


You're that retarded? hahahaha.

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