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PVM Money making suggestions


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Soo I've been 13pray since lv69 and last night I made the move to 45, trying to make some money and all I can think of doing is barrows/Aviansies? Any other pvm to kill that I'm forgetting? If you know rough gp/hr would be helpful. 


Probably will be apping to foe again shortly now I'm 45 pray. Going to 52 once I've bursted to 94 mage. 


Ty in advance. 






PvM as pure is bad

Not disputing that but I don't do def at all, and skilling .. ugh. So I would rather train on something to get my range up and hp. Any suggestions? 


Chin or if you can't I guess you have to do nmz but you won't make money with range


So you are saying there isn't anything which gives decent drops from time to time? 


Sorry, Could some one move this to the Q & A 


hunting is pretty decent , dragon imps or black chins>bank


So you are saying there isn't anything which gives decent drops from time to time?

Nope not really


With bots being extremely high risk, there no way im guna do hunting legit, That was my first 99 on old rs tho sigh.. dragon imps used to make bank @ the start  


Should skill instead of pvm on a pure tbh


train range at metal drags? vissy drops and other dragon drops could keep you winning! take some alching runes and alch rune drops and shit while your there also.


Chaos Druids for herbs? You won't be able to ID them, but assume 2/3 kills a minute. 100 herbs or so an hour


Hey bro do you remember me :D


Moved to Q&A for you


Chaos Druids for herbs? You won't be able to ID them, but assume 2/3 kills a minute. 100 herbs or so an hour

Thanks for the input but I would maybe do this on a lv20-30, Metal drags may be decent.  Thanks doe. 


Hey bro do you remember me :D


Moved to Q&A for you

  OFC I DO! Hows it going bro? These stats are fine to app right? 


on a pure, no tbh


&btw  GO APP PLS :)


&btw  GO APP PLS :)

Now I've got pray, I don't see any reason not to. 



Hey bro do you remember me :D


Moved to Q&A for you

  OFC I DO! Hows it going bro? These stats are fine to app right? 


haha Jono told me you were coming back, I don't play anymore but I'm pretty sure those stats are fine to app with 


i find it fun to go and kill some of the wilderness boss's especially the chaos fantaic becuase he's very easy to kill but it takes forever to get to him unless you can 90 tele on ancients, i'd recommend killing green dragon bots or just killing green dragons with range for the added xp and the loots. 


#Herblore/Farming mate


lvl 69 photo-3931.jpg?_r=1400838570


Blue drags at watchtower


Avansies in wild, they drop noted addy bars.

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