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Pures Can't Use B.O.B's!!!!(summoning)

Lip Job

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The thing is people pures can't use B.O.B's beacuse they all(yes all!) use controlled attack style!

If you want to KBD with your Spirit Terrorbird you can't! Or any other combat in multi-combat areas!

I personally think it would be so easy just to add a function in the interface that lets you chose whether your familiar auto-attacks or not..

Anyways post your opinions I wana' see what other people think!  ;)


Stop telling me to get a pak yak lol :mellow:

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Oh ye and post your opinions aswell!


it would be alot better yeah, but oh well its good against targets :D


i like the spirit spider, it sperms you eggs


summoning is for mains anyway



You chose that option because you wanted to be pure. You have absolutely no reason to complain.


u can still use em for skilling or w/e


Would be nice if that was an option but its not so oh well I guess.


summoning is for mains anyway


i like the spirit spider, it sperms you eggs


Not Sperms.

It doesn't quickly have a wank then hand over the produced eggs.


You chose that option because you wanted to be pure. You have absolutely no reason to complain.

I know I make that choice all I'm saying is why not? Why shouldn't there be an easy, simple way to let pures use BOBs? There's no reason why there shouldn't.


i would like yak but not getting that high summoning lol


You chose that option because you wanted to be pure. You have absolutely no reason to complain.

I know I make that choice all I'm saying is why not? Why shouldn't there be an easy, simple way to let pures use BOBs? There's no reason why there shouldn't.

You new players are catered to like no other, if anything things should be taken away from the game.

You chose that option because you wanted to be pure. You have absolutely no reason to complain.

I know I make that choice all I'm saying is why not? Why shouldn't there be an easy, simple way to let pures use BOBs? There's no reason why there shouldn't.

You new players are catered to like no other, if anything things should be taken away from the game.

you can use them in single. duh


you can use them in single. duh

I said you can't in multi ;)


You chose that option because you wanted to be pure. You have absolutely no reason to complain.

I know I make that choice all I'm saying is why not? Why shouldn't there be an easy, simple way to let pures use BOBs? There's no reason why there shouldn't.

You new players are catered to like no other, if anything things should be taken away from the game.
I know 3 years may not be a long time but I wouldn't consider myself new and yeah I agree that some things should be taken out but this is such a simple solution...



lol im getin pack yack spam... i int 99 summ never will kk ;)


summoning is for mains anyway

Fuck off.

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