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what is the state of pvp?

Torqued AGS

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Torqued AGS

Is the wild populated? How active are other clans? 


I have an old pure i might start to play again.


Hello. I'm afraid willdy is not that active besides the clanning in weekends. Looks like it will be even less active, once Clan Wars will be released. But, with the f2p trials and maybe even f2p as perm feature, it might get more active agian.


havent pked in wild in ages besides pk trips soooo idk


Wildy has been dead for ages, unless you count the little masser clans and the mains that camp 50s/gdz all day.


Hello. I'm afraid willdy is not that active besides the clanning in weekends. Looks like it will be even less active, once Clan Wars will be released. But, with the f2p trials and maybe even f2p as perm feature, it might get more active agian.

hopefully this^




Is the wild populated? How active are other clans? 


I have an old pure i might start to play again.


PvP worlds are easy to get a fight in, even in non peak times. 


Midweeks are ok, only really EoP and Sv do them tho.


Edgeville is kinda dead.


Weekend trips are good too.


Oh yeah and currently f2p multi is super active low level too.


Id just take your best bet and pk in PVP worlds.


World two sometimes has people at edge for pvp, but thats about it.


all depends on what time you play really

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