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Hmm, this game is becoming ridiculous tbh, am i the only person who doesn't spend his time sitting around all day waiting for 100% EP.. fighting a target, then waiting another hour? Wtf is the point seriously... Yeah you get more money, then what are you gonna spend that money on? Waiting around another hour for more EP? Wtf is the point. It's getting to the point where you can't attack anyone outside a safespot and if you do "I'M GAINING EP NERD YOU'RE SO SAD!!11" I mean yeah, fair enough, if you're doing a long task[Alching etc] It's logical to do it in a hotzone so that next time you go pking, You get better loot. But it seems all everyone nowadays cares about is the loot. Correct me if i'm wrong, and i'm sure i'm gonna get some people raging at me or trying to defend themselves, despite the fact i've not said anything personal.  :shifty:


I know what you mean, it does fuckin piss me off when i get a target that just sits there goin "im just gonna wait in safe zone til targ goes, im trying to gain ep piss off"

It's like wtf is the point..? Do it in PvP if you don't want targs you fucktard.

I agree with you m8... Personally, i just pk, i don't wait for EP, if my EP goes up while i'm pking, great, bonus. Only time i won't fight is if i'm 0ep, then i wait for 1 update, and carry on


I ignore the EP aswell, keep it like the old days. Just get out there and start slicing bitches with your rune scimitar, fuck the money!


I Never get EP, And I never have.

If my EP suddenly shoots up while I'm Pking then great, But Idc about loots.

I Play runescape to enjoy myself, not to sit around waiting for EP so I can go fight some other kids for a reward in the form of Pixels.

I couldn't give a fuck if I lose all my stuff on runescape, I'd just stop playing.

As I don't play this game so sit there like a fucking retard skilling or w/e, I play to have fun.


i targ hunt cos me wants an ags so i can go welfare some 12year olds of 2010 ;)


TBH I just hate when you go to fight a targ and they wait 10 mins in a safe zone.

Otherwise whats wrong with getting 100 ep...Pvp world = no targs =P


bunch of ep gaining flaming homosexuals from hell imo.


I hate it also, just go out there and anal rape anyone regardless the ep rofl.

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