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How about them?

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How about them?

They spent $65.7m more than the Mets, who have the #2 payroll, and $87.5m more than the Phillies, who have the #7 payroll.

Way to buy the World Series Yankees. Congrats.

P.S. Check out this page for lols. Alex Rodriguez alone makes almost as much as some entire baseball clubs.

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How about them?

They spent $65.7m more than the Mets, who have the #2 payroll, and $87.5m more than the Phillies, who have the #7 payroll.

Way to buy the World Series Yankees. Congrats.

P.S. Check out this page for lols. Alex Rodriguez alone makes almost as much as some entire baseball clubs.

Lmfao they spent 7 times the amount that the Marlins spent xD

And I agree, they basically bought their world series championship.

And Jacob: Get your panties out of a bunch, he's talking about baseball.

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I knew you jellous jews would say something.. It not their fault they are financially set. They came that way by winning. So yeah if phillies or any other sucky team had the money ofc they would buy the best players. Gratz on 10,000 losses phillies.

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Stop acting like you like sports emo

Stop taking chemicals to enhance you're playing ability because from the look of that video when you played you sucked.
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