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Help Required For Desert Treasure

Paroxy Pure

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Paroxy Pure

Hey, I hope this is the correct part of the forums to be posting this, anyway, I am soon to apply to FOE and I need someone to help me with desert treasure as I'm not 43 prayer... 

Should I either get 43 pray, or pay someone to help me?


If you want to apply then 43 would be better for clan events such as wars or preps. 


get 43 prayer if r apping


what do you paY?


Hey, I hope this is the correct part of the forums to be posting this, anyway, I am soon to apply to FOE and I need someone to help me with desert treasure as I'm not 43 prayer... 

Should I either get 43 pray, or pay someone to help me?


Well if you're applying, you should get 43 prayer anyways for wars etc.

But, I did dt without 43 prayer.

The only part you're gonna need help for is with the wolves for the ice diamond, besides that you can solo it :).


@ and I have a slaving topic for such quests if you need.

If you plan to clan, then 43 prayer is a MUST, otherwise you're useless in wars and preps


If you want to apply then 43 would be better for clan events such as wars or preps. 

Yung Ecstasy

get 43 pray or get 1banged


stay 1 m8!!!1111 :bicep:  :bicep:  :bicep:  :bicep:  :bicep:


43+ Prayer for clanning is not mandatory but, basically everyone expects you to have it. Good luck.


45 pray for +15s or 52


43 pray for clanning!


52 master race


Get 43 prayer


43+ is obviously the best for clanning. Anyways gl if u decide to stay lower.

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